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Fall of monarchy in arab nations is on the way....

Dear Friends,

Here I am putting small part of this week financial newsletter, I feel that world should be aware about future coming time for Arab Nations.

Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma  


Destiny of monarchy is over. New rising of middle-east, & fall of many Arab Rulers is on the way…


Dear Members,

On Friday last week, all major markets traded very volatile as we expected. This time the reason was unrests from Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen and due to this many are started to worry about future of monarchy ruling most of Arab nations. Most of stock markets in Middle East have suffered huge setback during last week, and such concerns spread to Wall Street on Friday when S&P shed more than 21 points, while Saudi and other middle-east markets simply collapsed. This is adding salt to the injury for Middle East real estate markets, which are still on a slow recovery mode after the drastic fall in 2008. Meantime, commodities like oil and precious metals that tend to rise during political tensions made sudden gains on Friday.

Out of current development one thing we can be certain is that monarchy’s future is not certain. Time is coming very close when young generations in these countries start asking for change. This is happening due to media, internet, and educations. There is not much time left for other Middle East countries to finally adopt democracy of some forms. This can take place soon in Libya, Syria, Algeria, Kuwait and it can reach to Saudi Arabia and UAE. This is not new to us as we already predicted in 2004 that time is coming for political system changes in the Middle East. We predicted major political chaos in middle-east counties anytime from 2011 and this cycle will remain for the next 10 years and 6 months. Just three weeks have passed in 2011 and we have seen turmoil started in Tunisia, and then spread to Egypt and now to Yemen.

According to what I see in planets such change is good for the longer term as it will bring democracy and equal rights for all citizens in these nations. For example, in Dubai, the current ruler has done wonders so people love him. If the political leaders perform then there is no need to worry about instability. If they don’t, then they need to start facing the music.

Anyway our Astro combinations for the Middle East or any other countries show that peoples’ voices will grow louder and the ruling classes will face huge challenges from here onward. I clearly see fall for many of these leaders. I don’t have anything against any country or any leader. I just predict what I see in planetary combinations of that country or that region. Like from 2001, I highly recommended people to buy or invest in Dubai (UAE) BECAUSE PLANETS WERE supporting, and in 2006 I warned everyone that a huge crash coming Dubai real estate market. We predicted more than 50% crash in real estate market and it happened.     

I still don’t see great future of the Middle East nations for the next five years, after which they will start rising again. I also don’t see great future for oil. Time will come and we will able to buy oil below $10. Today it sounds like a dream but it sounded like a dream as well when I predicted oil reaching $100 or above when it was trading at $15.

 Astrology or planetary movements play a vital role in investments, because any geo-political events, natural disasters or any huge events can change markets outlook overnight. Through planetary movement you can find out what’s happening next anywhere. Most people are unable to understand how we predicted fall of Dubai real-estate and financial crises far ahead. For me it was very simple because planets gave me clear indications. Early last year we clearly kept advising investors to add coffee and grains as we saw unusual weather patterns in South America and Australia. Today these advices have brought millions to investors. Once again don’t think that we are promoting our theory as the only one that can predict market movements. The case I am trying to make here is that it has no harm to follow and respect a subject which has proven useful in making financial decisions, especially in such changing times.

Lately we have seen that many big names from wall-street and a few global players have joined our membership and we really welcome them. This shows that respected names are following our theory. One fund manager just sent me last week an email saying: Mahendra, investors don’t mind what theory their bankers, fund managers or financial institutions follow to make money as long as they keep making money. Since I started advising prediction services from age 12 or from 1980, people have always said my advices have been very helpful. But there was one period between 2006 and Mid-2010 during which I made many mistakes in predictions.  This was my bad cycle and nature’s law says that I had to suffer a setback in my predicting career and I did. Anyway this is part of nature’s waves and we respect that fully.

Anyway, also in 2005 one more very important financial prophecy we made for middle-east and that was; any time after 2012 USA will announce end of currency pack between USD and Arab countries currencies. This will make huge fall in currency value of many Arab nation’s currencies. People should be very careful those who are investing in middle-east or oil rich nations.


Here is this week newsletter:

Weekly newsletter from 31 Jan to 4 Feb 2011



Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

3- Jan 2011