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Today's Trade & News

12 Oct 2009 crash is coming...Small part from this week newsletter, and two updates of today and Yesterday's...

Dear friends,

Here is small part from this week weekly newsletter and two flashnews.


Dear Members,

Two trading days are pending in our 12 October Sharp in stock and metals. Normally it takes 12 to 36 hours for results so sharp fall in stocks and metals will take place either on 12 or 13 of October, and from there down ward journey will start for the next 45 days.


In the last 23 years of trading career, I have seen that always last phase or last few days are very tough for traders when any new trend taking birth. As we mentioned that longer term bull market is already ended in metals means this is final few days when gold, silver and all metals will try to push prices on upside. Once again in this kind of situation Put option is always a great trades because you lock your risk. We all aware that we are in two days final trading before everything turn from up to Down so please trade with stop-loss. Today high for gold will be $1059.80 to 1061.30. Silver $18.00 and copper $284.30 one can sell here for intra-day trade.


Today ECB and BOE will announce rate decision, they may try to push dollar lower, but it they won't able to brake this week low 76.04 (dollar index).


Alcoa came up with strong earning, and this pushing metal stocks higher.  


Corn is great buy, avoid oil, get out from coffee, cotton and sugar or one can take sell position.


Treasury bond will start falling from today’s so sell around 123. 


In the last 25 years of astro-financial predictions, I have always struggled in the last few weeks before final date arrives and trend take place as we saw.


Those who are shorts in metals and stocks indexes with Put options call can hold position without fear, those who are trading with future should play with stop-loss and those who can wait till 12 October can take trades accordingly.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, Wednesday 11.30 PM New York



Here is Wednesdays update:


Dear Members,

I am in Asia, here in India, so I will say yesterday all metals went to sky roof, Dow started with big positive note but here still I want to bring awareness.


In Feb 2009, I was recommending very strongly to buy Dow and stocks that time Dow was at 7500, I was making notice every day that Dow is toward 32000. With in few weeks Dow went down to 6500, many were saying Mahendra we all lost hope for Dow recovery. Look at today, now people are praying to come down as most of them missed opportunity. Our long term prediction of Dow reaching 32000 is still intact but I don't know how much it will fall in the month of October and November. If Dow doesn't fall at all until 19 November then expect Dow to go all the way to 32000 without taking any break. But I will still wait until 19 November to put my all money in Dow. All major stock markets will follow Dow.


Oil - after $112 we start predicting of oil falling below $50 in few months but oil went above $140 and then it came down below $40. When it was at $145 our final date of fall came and we all aware about what happened. I am saying that we were accurate but I am trying to bring awareness which planets provide us, it doesn't matter if we come wrong on our prices target or right top/bottom, our job is to guide you and take you into future in present because present is "M AYA" illusions and very serious follower understand our theory, if I name my members you will be surprise that why these powerful people need my newsletter.


Any way, our call on fall of Dow is intact, we will start buying from or after 19 NOVEMBER, Fall in all stock markets will be huge and we hold that prediction, it can fall 15% or it can fall 40%, one thing is sure that market will move down sharply from here any time from today but surely from 12 October.


Metal are in speculative trend and soon you will realize that how gold killed its destiny, same word we used for oil in July 2008. Let gold, copper and silver fly higher, because this final laugh which will end today in USA market. Today gold can reach $1048 and yes medium term trend will take gold down after 12 October to $750 first target and then $550. I know it looks like a joke today.


US Dollar is holding well around 76.30, one of my favorite at this stage. If I have $10000, I will put $8000 in buying US dollar index, $1000 in selling metals and $1000 in selling stocks (Both I will buy put options of December). Keep this alert with you and we will see result by mid December. I am putting my every signal penny in Dollar, I am not that keen in trading oil, metals or stocks because I want to hit bull eye, Yes if you want to make fortune in coming month and years than hold the hand of USD and time will tell that you made a right decision or wrong.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, Tuesday 9.30 PM Santa Barbara, Wednesday 10 am Mumbai


Here is small part of this week newsletter: dated 4 Oct 2009

Dear Members,

Finally some signs of weakness have come into the stock markets, metals refused to move up further and concerns about global economy have emerged back into investors mind. I don't know who did the magic of turning the world suddenly from down to up, doom to boom, or bear to bull, but although everything about the recovery looks real, it is really speculation that played the major role in the markets. Housing market is still in the dumps, unemployment is not coming down, base metals inventories are rising, and China's export is not increasing. So what exactly has changed in world that makes the wall street celebrate?

Today China is trying to expand locally. They are giving extra credits so people can buy stuff and support industries and they are still encouraging aggressive lending of lax standards. A few years back Chinese economy was based on export (and still is) but now they are concentrated on enlarging local markets as export is slowing rapidly. That is the worst sign for China because now the country has no other option left except encouraging their own people to spend more.

Yes, I again ask why all major stock markets were celebrating by moving higher and higher! No they were not celebrating or moving up because of economy starting doing well but because the big gamblers went out into the markets with government’s extra liquidity, and put all their bets on the gambling table for either heaven or hell, and they succeeded in doing that. With bank balance sheets and financial systems propped up by government help in various forms, the big players took advantage of the liquidity floods with many other small players following later. The whole scenario on the surface changed but this is all artificial because once the winners get out from the gambling table, the whole room would just turn dark until the big players come back again.

Yes, this is where all the stock markets are today, this is where the commodity markets are today, and this is where the metals are today—pure, crude speculation. I see this whole game ends soon—within the next 8 to 10 days—as stock prices will tumble and metals investors will be in pains because of the drastic fall and they won’t have clue what to do buy more or sell their holding.

I am warning investors to be careful because on 5 and 12 October 2009, Mars changing house and Jupiter will start moving straight from retro gate. These changes will bring huge movement or volatility in financial market. Most of you aware that we are predicting fastest fall in the history of stock markets and metal markets, which may ruin many investors' lives so be careful about it. Let this worst period get over itself, then we will re-enter again in market for the longer term.

We are only one more week away from the 12 October so, if you are ready to face volatility then sell markets on Wednesday and sell metals as well.


Here is this week newsletter from 5-9 October 2009



Last week gold tested $986 three times and every time it rebounded strongly. Yet according to me every time it fell it just moved closer to the edge from which steep downward slop awaits, and the strait-away support is at $882. Gold is scared to fall. Buyers are trying to stand strong at $980 and…..



This week silver prices will remain….



This week will be…



Dollar is fighting back, but above 77.50 huge selling is coming up in dollar index. We are expecting that all these selling pressure will…..



This week coffee prices will remain stable…..



Last week selling cocoa and sugar recommendations gave us good profit. This week is great opportunity to sell cocoa and sugar again for those who missed selling opportunity. Sell cocoa on rise and fall is coming from Wednesday and sell sugar around $24.00…..



Last week oil traded in certain political scenario as there was sharp rise in oil after Iran's concerns intensified. This week oil will trade a bit positive but….



This week grains will…..



Last week we saw weak signs in all major markets. We are very close to the great fall we are projecting. It can even happen…..

From 12 October you can take short positions in future markets, commodity, and metals. Banking stocks will crash big way in the coming time so buy FAZ or SKF. HUI will move below 200. Buy SMN and sell gold/SILVER ETFs, or buy GLL and ZSL….



Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma, 4th October 2009