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2010 Financial astrology, gold, oil, grains, currencies outlook...

Dear Members,

2009 passes smoothly, we all aware that nature has created our world with mixer of joy and pain, good and evil but still we must thank nature for its kindness and giving us support and we must humbly request nature to give us vision and wisdom in 2010, we pray that all of us remain in good health, with full of joy and happiness. We also pray that God give wisdom to evil people (terrorists) so they stop killing innocent people, we hope that our world will become better place to live once everyone has job, enough food and place to stay.

 In early 2009 whole financial system came under threat, there were only dark cloud but early March came up with hope, slowly market started recovery and by end of year world financial market once again made a point that if they fall they have power to rise again.

Metals made new high in 2009, gold became darling among all kind investors, just fighting and losing battle against native time frame from December.

Early this year, oil traded made new multi years lows, fighting with destiny now because better future is moving away.

Grains started showing good strength, goring population; growing multinational companies and new food product line keep pressuring grains prices. Most important factor is planets and they are were remain pro with grains.

Currency market remain in volatile trend in 2009, early 2009 dollar was shining but in middle of year it started losing value but December gave huge up move again. Japanese yen was our favorite and over all it did perform very well in 2009.

Soft commodities remained in upward trend by growing demand, planets are supporting and will support in coming time.


Once again we wish you good Luck 2010.



We will be adding 2010 outlook on our website in few days.


Thanks God Bless

Mahendra Sharma