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"2012 and Final Quarter of 2012" as per book - 2012 Financial Predictions


Dear Friends,

Here are few predictions from the current books Below small part is taken from few chapters of our book - 2012 Financial predictions ”

From Page 10 on Europe; (From book 2012 Financial Predictions)

The next two years (2012, 2013) will remain quite stable for European countries. Financially Germany will dominate the EU but the world will be surprised with the rising gap between France and Germany. I see sharp rise and fall of France from 2011 to 2015. By 2015 the Franc will collapse economically or due to big conflict with Germany. Eventually I see France and Germany splitting from EU which will make euro collapse. Both these countries situations will get worst to the extent that war kind of situations will arise, but then USA will play the role of the mediator and will cool down the confrontation.

From page 13/14/15, on N. America (From book 2012 Financial Predictions)

In the year 2012 housing will recover sharply by more than 15% all over the nation. Those who have been waiting to sell their real estate will finally start getting buyers and those who like to buy their first home or those who have been waiting for investment in real estate should start making decisions by the end of this year.

Financial markets will perform extremely well in the last third quarter of 2011. By 2012 end Dow should be closing nearer to 18000, and investors will be cheering. As we predicted previously on the day that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke got his appointment. Bernanke will do a great job for the country as he was appointed on Astro positive day and most importantly that he has great Astro birth chart. I still remember the day when he was appointed as Fed chairman and on same day I updated on our website about his role for USA and the world. When in 2008, world and USA economic crises were creating havoc and we were very confident that he would manage the whole situations calmly and he indeed managed very well, that was the reason in 2009 March we predicted turnaround of Dow when it was 7000. Astro birth chart is very important because you can analyze personality and how lucky he or she will be for company, family or country if he/she playing an important role or if she/he is making decisions.

The same way President Obama’s chart is also very favorable and also getting very positive from 11/11/11 so USA will do extremely well after 11/11/11. Many people are saying that he has not been able to do anything charismatic since he came into power but I say USA economic heath was in ICU when he took over power from Bush, and the US has come out from worst depression. I know it is hard to believe but after reading President Obama and Fed chairman Bernanke’s birth chart I can say that USA is in safe hands of these two people and 2012 will be a rising year for USA.

Stock market will keep rising from September 2011.

Dollar will remain in thin range but surely volatility will disappear and slowly it will gain ground after eleven years.

I don’t see any terrorism so USA will be safe from the problem of terrorism in 2012.

Big companies in USA will keep outperforming in 2012. Apple, Costco, YUM and other food companies will perform extremely well. Technology and tech companies will keep outperforming.  S&P and NASDAQ will outperform all world indexes including Europe, China and India.

I will highly recommend investing in USA, and keeping money in US Dollar for the next three years.

Canada’s Astro chart is showing positivity and this means that economy and currency of Canada will remain very positive. Mining companies will keep doing well and real-estate markets will move up rapidly. Astrological charts are indicating around 30% rise in real estate prices so this is a great time to invest in major cities in Canada. Don’t delay if you like to buy a house as the current prices won’t come again in the next seven years.

Once again I highly recommend investing money in North America or in US Dollar.

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Middle-East, Page number 15/16 (From book 2012 Financial Predictions)

Planets have started giving negative results for Middle-East since 2008, first oil prices started falling and then real-estate markets started falling rapidly.  Still any country can absorb economic uncertainty but no government can survive when social unrest starts and the people start changing the government and their policies. Most Middle-East nations are purely ruled by Dictators, Rulers or you can say the Royal family. In 1999 we mentioned in one of our articles that soon in the new century, people will start fighting for democracy and this has started happening since 2009. It will be very difficult for these rulers to lead countries after 2015, so I highly recommend that you get out from any huge investments, if you have any in these countries where monarchy or dictatorship rules. In the last two years we saw people asking for democracy in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain and Yemen. We don’t see this stopping here, maybe in next few years situations will remain calm but eventually 2015 onwards violence will erupt and many Middle-East nations will get into problems.

In 2012, I predict a very stable year for this region, but I humbly request all Middle-East nations to bring democratic government within the next three years otherwise they will be responsible for their own fall and the loss of many lives.

Here is below part is taken from previous book “2008/9 World & Financial Prophecies” page 53-54

Real Estate Market in the Middle East

My outlook for the Middle East was very positive from 2001-06 and many people have made fortunes by investing in real estate in UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan. We were quite negative on the Iraq and Iran situation hence I never recommended investing in these countries.

Since last year, I have warned investors in the region not to invest even a single Dollar in the real estate markets unless they are buying a home for residential purposes. One should avoid buying on high rate borrowing, whatever your comfort level- pay for the home but not a single Dollar for speculation. I see the real estate market dropping more than 40%. Speculators could lose their entire life savings and some regional banks may close down due to a crash of property prices. I have lived in Dubai for one year and I do not have anything against the region. In fact liked my experience there, but I must present my predictions as the future is indicated without being influenced by my personal feelings. I am predicting a severe drop in the property market in the UAE during the next two years.

The twin factor of oil prices declining as well as the drop in the real estate will result in a depression for the economies of the Middle East, and there will be a sudden exodus of thousands of people from the region. I do not see prices recovering immediately for five years, but they might bounce back in 15 years time.

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2012 RISING AND FALL CYCLE FOR INDEXES, page number 20, (From book 2012 Financial Predictions)

In this section I am writing when markets will turn positive and when markets will turn negative. Most of the investors are aware that global markets move together. Yes USA is the main engine or path guider for all stock indexes, so events in USA dominate on global equity much more as compared to any other country’s event. Like 2008 when housing problem came in USA and global equity fell sharply, many other markets fell more than USA equity. Lately the European debt issue dominated concerns in financial markets but compared to all other markets European markets fell drastically. Any small region’s problem doesn’t affect world markets for medium or longer term but yes news has effects for the shorter period, like real-estate crash in the Middle East never affected any major world financial markets.

Investors are well aware that the inflow and outflow of money takes place in all major markets from USA based institutions so it is important that we focus on USA trend; if USA performs well then all major markets will do well.

As we kept predicting in our letters and flash news about USA positive trend to start from late October 2011, once again we confirm here that year 2012 should be very positive for USA indexes so all major markets will do well.

Forth Cycle represents bull waking up cycle from 9-August-2012 to 3-October-2012

  1. One of the best periods to start accumulating stocks of technology and telecom. Put  70% of your money here as huge upwards moves will be ready to come so this is a great time to build your positions and sit tight. 

Fifth bull or speculative cycle from 4-October-2012 to 31-December-2012

  1. This cycle will be one of the most fantastic cycles of 2012. Markets will move up crazily, don’t remain in any kind of short position in any market or any stocks. Technology, banking, financial and retailers will make huge upwards moves. I see short squeezes in the market. Hold your long positions tightly. Don’t book profits and any sharp corrections during this period should be taken as a double buying opportunity. In short, put it all in.
  2. Under this amazing bull cycle there will be a small five days of weakness that will come from 11 November to 18 November. During this period keep some extra money on the side to accumulate positions.
The USA equity market will perform better. US Dollar will remain strong and housing markets will bottom out in 2012, these are all positive news for USA.

By year end our Astro indicators are telling us that S&P will reach 1600. This will be like a dream, it will be hard to believe for those who are reading this book. S&P will outperform all major trustable financial instruments including gold. Stay invested in the S&P index in all terms (short, medium and longer), keep acquiring options calls and stay in quality stocks and I am sure you will be blessed. Just focus on the longer term period, avoid any news that are talking negative about USA equity market.

For many it is still hard to believe because 2012 is the election year and history says that markets always underperform in an election year but history can be proven wrong and this time 2012 election year will be proven wrong as this will be one of the best years for USA equity market.

Strong trend in US dollar will keep the inflow of money into Dollar.

Equity bubble money will flow into buying real estate and prices will start stabilizing or moving up from middle of year. I know 2012 is crucial year; many don’t have hopes that 2012 can bring any miracle but my Astro calculations says 2012 will be a game changing year for USA.

The second bull cycle will start from 28 September 2012 and will last until the end of the year. The second cycle will be very aggressive and speculative; stock prices will multiply in several folds. In the first cycle only quality stocks will move up.

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INDIA Page number 28 (From book 2012 Financial Predictions)

In 2011 we recommend few stocks to Indian investors and surprisingly they did well even during the European crises. These stocks were Jubilant Food which represents Dominos Pizza in India and mid 2011 they got franchises of Dunkin Donuts; Tata Coffee & Tata Global, which lately signed an agreement with Starbucks for brewing coffee; Agrotech, milk and food processors. We highly recommend staying invested in these companies. Some more names we like are: VST Ind, Excel Corp, Nestle, Britannia, UB group and front line auto industry stocks as Mars and Saturn will be favoring them in 2012. Also technology stocks will do better in 2012 compared to the last 10 years. Avoid banking stocks in the year 2012.

Indian real Estate markets will remain sideways in 2012 so it is better to stay invested in stocks markets. There will be some border tension with China but planets are not giving any kind of war indications.

Nifty will trade 30 percent higher from current value. At the time we are writing this book nifty is trading around 4628, we are targeting 6300 by end of year.

Read book for more detail outlook for Germany - DAX, London – FTSE, CAC, Switzerland, China, Australia, Singapore, Brazil, Canada etc…

We are in the last quarter of 2012. This year book “2012 Financial Predictions” predictions done well specially with Stock market trend. We are sure those who were not able to buy due to high prices, may able to buy at current price and may enjoy reading it the way of see the future for the world financial markets.

Here today we announce final rate of book prices from $88.00 to $39.00, and e-book price from $79.00 to $35.00.

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  Thanks & God Bless,
  Mahendra Sharma
  Santa Barbara, California