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2012 Financial Predictions, & small part from this week newsletter...

Dear Friends,

Here is small part from this week newsletter:

Dear Members,

Last week was one of the worst thanksgiving weeks for Wall Street. All major indexes performed very negatively. In fact, the last six months have been very volatile for investors, the market tries to improve but the European debt ghost arrives and scares everyone. Commodities are also losing attraction and so are the investors.

Since Saturn entered the house of Libra, it is giving one clear indication, and that is that once again US Dollar is back on top, gaining value against almost all currencies. Emerging market currencies are looking for values drastically. Indian Rupee is at an all time low, and many other currencies also losing value steadily. This should be taken seriously by investors as this is a huge shift that is taking place in the currency market. I highly advise investors to give priorities to the dollar move, and try understanding the future value of investment if dollar keeps moving higher.

After 2007, a few known analysts have targeted me for the remaining pro-dollar, but why don’t they talk about 2001-2006 when we predicted the fall of dollar. I never include my personal feelings when I predict the market trends. Like July/August this year we predicted ‘Dollar is trading at 90% discount’, we recommended investors to buy dollar index around 74.00 as Astro charts were giving indications of buying as well. This was a purely Astro prediction.

Our new book “2012 Financial Predictions” will reveal my hidden questions or hidden parts of 2012, where all major markets will move, what will be monthly trend? I am very excited about this book, so let’s see what 2012 will unfold. I feel investors will have one of the best years in the last 26 years, or since July 1986. 2012 looks very interesting for commodities, currencies and indexes. It will be launched on the 16th of December, another 20 days; I can’t wait.

Anyways, it looks like uncertainty will slowly settle down, but don’t expect any ‘V’ shape recovery but surely in the next two weeks, the majors will settle down. I see stock indexes bottoming out duing this week or next week and huge upwards-moving will take place so get ready. It isa great time during this week to acquire stocks those beaten down badly. Targets that you want make 50% returns in a year and planetary combinations says, no one can stop to achieve 50%.

Commodities will play an interesting role in the time coming but US dollar will outperform or will gain against all currencies, so any weakness in dollar should be taken as a buying opportunity.


This deal will expre on Monday: we may bring this deal back in mid Jan 2012.

I have been receiving many emails stating that our services are a bit expensive so here we would like to announce a deal:

Subscribe for weekly newsletter and you will get daily Flash news and Uranium letter for free for the same period. Deal - One months flashnews $198 + one month $126 uranium letter (total $324 free) on one one month newsletter subscriptions.




How offer will work:

Like – if you subscribe one year weekly newsletter $3900, you will get Flashnews of $1790 and uranium letter $980 for free for the same period. Total $2770 worth of services you get for free so basically you paying $1120 for weekly newsletter. if you pay separately for these three services at current prices then you pay $6670. Same offer is for monthly, quarterly and semi-annually services.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

27 November 2011