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Today's Trade & News

2012 Financial Predictions...Here is Fridays flashnews

Dear Friends,

"2012 Financial Predictions" book is almost ready, next week it is going for printing. I am very much happy with it as this will be first book which will be covering all major markets (commodities, currencies, bond and indexes) monthly trends.

Here is yesterdas flashnews for Fridays, we send now daily flashnews before Aisan market start. We predict day trading range and accuracy is coming almost over 80%. Here is yesterdays flash for today:

Dear Members,

Many commodities went down sharply, due to sudden announcement of expiry of December contract on Friday. This was surprising move and traders started offloading their holding in panic. Anyway Friday is great day to accumulate soft commodities, oil and metals. Avoid grains as predicted and hold dollar position. Stock Indexes will move up against from Friday.

Friday’s trading range for metals:

GOLD: $1703 to $1739

SILVER: $30.63 to $32.15

COPPER: $333.50 TO $341.20

PLATINUM: $1568 TO $1597

PALLADIUM: $603 TO $629


Even though all commodities went down sharply but we still recommend buying coffee and cotton, also you can add lumber. Buy March contract of coffee around $236, and cotton $96.50.

Here is Friday’s range of March 2012 contracts:

COFFEE - $235.70 TO $240.50 (buy)

COCOA - $2467 TO $2521

COTTON - $96.57 TO $99.53 (Buy)

SUGAR - $23.87 TO $24.33

ORANGE JUICE - $169.90 TO $173.90

LUMBER - $236.1 TO $244.80 (buy)


Buy S&P, and keep trading in and out for until next weekend before you start building longer term positions.

Here is Indexes range for Friday:

AUSTRALIAN - 4179 TO 4251

NIKKEI – 8352 TO 8453

HONG KONG - 18328 TO 18650

CAC – 2948 TO 3009

DAX - 5733 TO 5908

FTSE – 5337 TO 5453

S&P - 1203 TO 1227

NASDAQ – 2261 TO 2305


Planets have been giving us negative indications for grains so avoid at this stage. Here is Friday’s trading range for Soy Jan & March all other grains contract

CORN - $617 TO $635

SOY - $1165 TO $1182

WHEAT - $609.25 TO $625.75

RICE – 14.63 TO $14.83


Oil predictions done well, and finally natural gas started moving up from yesterday. Here is Friday’s trend range, buy gas:

OIL - $98.02 TO $100.28

Natural GAS - $3.50 TO $3.65

TREASURY BOND – 1.4321 TO 1.4132


Dollar has been trading very positive as predicted; now some profit booking will come so Friday it will trade in narrow range of bit weaker but you can now sell Japanese yen today around 1.3000.

Friday’s trading range is here:

DOLLAR INDEX – 78.59 to 77.95

EURO – 1.3445 to 1.3578

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 0.9939 to 1.0052

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9700 to 0.9771

BRITISH POUND – 1.5719 to 1.5868

JAPANESE YEN – 1.3027 to 1.2952

SWISS FRANC – 1.0948 to 1.8028

RUPPEE – 50.86 to 50.48

RAND – 8.25 to 8.02

Here is great offer on uranium newsletter services: We offer 50% discount for uranium newsletter, maximum period you can subscribe for six months only and we will add six months extra for free so six month subscriptions will give you total 12 months services. Here is sample copy of November 2011 Uranium newsletter PDF file.

Note – Many Options and futures contracts are expiring in coming week, also next week is short as thanks giving so be careful, remain with light position and try o trade for short term.  Buy gold around 1700, silver 31.00, coffee, cotton, lumber, gas and on other hand sell Yen and bond.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Thursday 5.55 PM