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Today's Trade & News

2012 Financial Predictions..Here is Mondays update for Tuesday

Dear Friends,

Here is Mondays flash, planets are giving most uncertain indications. Our new book "2012 Financial Predictions" will be ready for for pre-order by in the second week of December. Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma


Dear Members,

In the next twenty days world will experience two eclipses, first one is solar on 25 November 2011 and second one lunar eclipse on 10 December 2011. Since last century traders always give attentions to eclipse as they always bring huge volatility in the markets. Also new Moon and full Moon  bring volatility as well as both side huge move in markets so it always very risky to trade during eclipses "week" for both, short seller and buyers.

I will just advise traders to stay away from markets as markets may trade very uncertain during this week of eclipse. Also It will be hard to judge the trend as well so best advise from me is avoid markets," don't sell or don't buy".

 As we already mentioned during this newsletter that during this week traders should take a break and just finish pending work.

In this week newsletter we also mentioned Mondays commodities and markets would fall sharply but from Tuesday markets may try to improve for one day, but not worth risk taking as again holidays are starting, options and future contracts expiring so too many events and very scary time to make trading decision so I will recommend let’s start trading from next week. It is always nice to spend some time with friends and family and especially when markets are too volatile.

Also Thursday and Fridays Moon will be transiting from house of Scorpio and Eclipse is taking place when Moon and Sun both in house of Scorpio with North Node, again too danger combinations (Markets, commodities and currencies may move both side rapidly).

Those still want to trade, for them here is strategy:

Buy indexes, currencies, energy and metals on Tuesday morning on weakness but get out by Wednesday before eclipse and moon get into Scorpio. & S&P will be great buy around 1181 and 1171, upper side target $1209 to $1218.

Avoid metals, grains but soft commodities looks great with Natural gas.

Note- Start trading from next week, wait for next week newsletter befor you make any importnat trading decisions. 


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Monday 10.55 AM