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Today's Trade & News

2012 Financial predictions...Mondays update and uranium letter offer...


Dear Members, 

Due to book releasing of our new book and because of this we may not able to write flash for the next few days. I have to give final approval to printer by Monday so won’t be able to come out with daily flashnews today but from tomorrow I will come out with daily trading range. This will be one of the first books on the financial market covering monthly predictions for all major commodities, currencies and stocks markets trend for 2012. 

In this week newsletter we mentioned that Monday and Tuesday metals, grains and soft commodities would remain sideways. We expected weaker trend in metals, and other commodities from late Tuesday and Wednesday they will fall but one can buy metals and other commodities on Wednesday's weakness or Thursday morning.  This whole week we won't recommend selling oil, coffee, cotton and metals as they will recovery from late Wednesday. 

All major stock markets will have positive trend from mid Thursday. Buy S&P around 1243 and target 1285 and then 1345 in the next one month. Hedge you trade with European banking stock or banking ETF’s. 

Avoid emerging market at this stage. 

Grains, metals and soft commodities will remain sideways for the next 26 hours.  

Buy gold on weakness or around $1753, oil around $97.01, soon oil will cross $100.00.

Buy Cotton, coffee and oil as these will move up huge but metals, grains, orange juice and sugar looks negative. 

Offer on uranium letter

Dear Uranium letter Members,

Early this year we mentioned that we would be discontinuing our uranium monthly letter services due to our hedge fund services but last month we mentioned that we will continue with our uranium letter services.

We apology for our mistakes as nature has chosen me to do this job for masses and not for to favor just few big institutions.

We offer 50% discount for uranium newsletter, maximum period you can subscribe for six months only and we will add six months extra for free so six month subscriptions will give you total 12 months services. Current members can extend their services as well. Here is sample copy of November 2011 Uranium newsletter PDF file.

Thanks & Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Monday 5.30 PM Santa Barbara