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2014 Financial Predictions book is getting ready, here is weekly financial letter...

Dear Members,

Here below attached weekly financial letter, I am sure it will help you in making trading and Investment decisions.  We will be completing 28 year predicting financial market trend, and 12 year for our website with 11.5 million hits. We have enjoyed this journey of predicting market trend and globally readers have enjoyed our work. Though our track records remain unexceptional but still frontline big financial media name like CNBC, Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal always remain skeptic about our theory.  

We highly recommend following technical, fundamentals, any other indicators, and as well as experts advise to invest money in market but adding wave of nature theory/astro cycle in your investment strategy will surely give you edge against everyone.

2014 book is getting and will come out any time on next Sunday. Read last seven books track records here:


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Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma