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2017 - New era is about to begin for markets, currencies and commodities..wait for 2017 Financial Predictions book...

Dear Members,

Most important note for 2017 – Many think that I am predicting a crash in market, but no, I am not predicting a crash in the market but surely investors will have a painful time from 2017 as markets will not be able to make highs, stocks prices will keep dragging down for years so the most sluggish time is coming for the market. There will be time in 2017 in which market may drop over 20% within no time. Selling and cashing is our advice; my weekly newsletter will guide you on the overall directions and short term traders will get good insight from the daily flashnews. Those who can’t affords to subscribe our services shall get ready to buy our news book “2017 Financial Predictions” which shall be out on 15 January.

Obama term is ending on 20 January 2017, during his eight year era bull or buyers enjoyed great time. New era will begin of Trump from 20 January. Financial media are falsely calling current rally as a Trump, they are misguiding common investors, Trump era will start from 20 January so from 20 January whatever happens that we will call Trump cycle.

What we stated in 2016 Financial Prediction book in final cycles of all major markets:

We have taken predictions from each sections of market from our last year book. We are very satisfied with accuracy level. Our new book “2017 Financial Predictions” book is ready and shall come out around 15 January 2017. I am our book will help you in making most important trading and investment decisions in metals, stock market, energy, currencies, bonds, grains and softs commodities.  


What we stated about metals in the last cycle of 2016:

Eleventh Cycle:

From the 18th of November to 31st of December 2016 - Metals prices will trade mixed during this cycle. Initially from the 20th of November we may see positive momentum for one week, but then prices will start moving down again in the month of December. Short term traders can take some buying positions around the 20th of November, but make sure that you get out by the 27th of November, because after that the prices will star moving down again till the end of the year.


What we stated about US stocks in the last cycle of 2016:

Twelfth Cycle:

From the 18th of November to 31st of December 2016 - This will be a very bullish astro cycle for all the major markets as well. During the previous cycle and this cycle the market can move 15-20% higher so plan your trades accordingly, so that you can gain a maximum benefit out of it. Many call options of $1000 can be worth $50,000 in three months. In short, this is the best time cycle to make a great amount of money in the market.


What we stated about bond in the last cycle of 2016:

Fifth Cycle:

From the 1st of October to 31st of December 2016 - Thirty-year bond prices will keep trading lower during this period so hold your short positions.


What we stated about energy in the last cycle of 2016:

Ninth Cycle:

From the 26th of November to 31st of December 2016 - During this cycle we see positive momentum coming back in the energy market and oil prices will form a bottom, and oil stocks will also act positively. Even though this is a positive cycle, the higher side will remain limited. Natural gas and RB gas will move sharply higher during this period.


What we stated about currency in the last cycle of 2016:

Ninth Cycle:                                                

From the 16th of November to 31st of December 2016 - During this period Dollar will rebound strongly till the 20th of December, and after that it will trade sideways or a little bit negatively. Before this cycle starts you should buy Dollar and hold those positions. If you do not wish to buy dollar then you can sell Euro, Swiss Franc, Commodity Currencies and British Pound because they will trade sharply lower.

All above predictions we mentioned in 2016 book.

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma