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2020 Metals and market predictions in 2020 Financial Prophecies..ns...

Dear Members,

The market performed amazingly well; the global markets are in a bullish zone. Our target of 3200 for the S&P that we predicted in 2009 has been achieved, (must hear interview of CNBC with Jack published on the 26th of February 2009. For the last ten years we have been very bullish on the market and every predicted level has been achieved. In my theory I saw 3200, and now 3800 to 5000 could be achievable targets. I highly recommend reading this year’s book, “2020 Financial Prophecies” every week because it will guide you about every markets trend, and the monthly cycles. 

Metals finally become our favorite in 2019. Gold is moving as predicted and it could test a historic high. Follow our monthly cycles in the book to plan you trading strategy. I know gold lovers always like to see a bullish trend, but I recommended investors to remain on the sidelines in mining stocks and precious metals from 2011 to 2018. This prediction saved investors a fortune as mining stocks collapsed to the worst levels after achieving an all-time high in 2011.

If you are not able to afford to subscribe our services, then the book is a great option as it will guide you on which trade to take, or what will rise and fall in the monthly cycle.

Astro-cycles/Wave of nature theory is predicting the most unique and memorable year for 2020 for investors. Yes, there will be some patches during 2020 in which you need to be careful in the market and metals, and our book will guide you during those phases.

I am not trying to promote my book here, I am just trying to give you the inside hidden picture of what is coming in 2020 so get ready. Every penny you spend on this book will give you 100 times, and this is my promise. The cost of the book is around $1.80 a day which is less than the cost of a cup of coffee. We have received great words from people after reading 2020, please share your view after reading it. If you like it and see that it may help people around you or you close once then must tell them to acquire this book if you feel it is worth it (it is humble request as I would like to this subject gain respect among those who are skeptic).

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma