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2021 book predictions...Silver and market predictions are dancing as per predicted in our book 2021...don't miss it buy

Weekly Newsletter from 1-5 February



Gamestop, short sellers, Robinhood and Dogecoin are center of volatility but same time market started volatile trend…

A very interesting time has started on Wall-Street because one group ganged up together and openly declared war on short sellers in the GameStop stock. Many other stocks that are heavily short in Wall-street have started moving higher.  It is like a revolution; however, I am not directly supporting this revolution, but in some way, I do support this kind of action. In 2018 when Short sellers ganged up together and wanted to kill Tesla by making plans to bankrupt Musk, and I said it was a disgrace that short sellers want to kill the finest upcoming clean energy company ((TESLA) for their own benefit and greed. We were wondering why bankers and investors were supporting this because if Tesla goes down then thousands of employees would lose their job, the visionary man’s dream would get shattered. Thank God my vision of TESLA becoming one of the top ten valuable companies in world came true, and Elon Musk could me the man of the 21st century.

Surely there is no doubt that GameStop doesn’t have any great plans for the future so this rise may remain temporary, but it is a great lesson for short sellers if they try to short stocks of legitimate companies because the traditional Wall Street investors are failing in their strategy. Stock prices move from $4.00 to $475.00.

I strongly warn that if you are planning to buy any of these companies under the current scenario as these companies don’t have a great business model. Do not short any of the companies that have a legitimate business model for the future. The current era that’s coming in Wall Street is a very interesting one and it looks like more and more people will get into the financial markets with different plans, and even the younger generation and different demographics will start getting into the market, which means that a large crowd is coming into the market and the market will have an increasing amount of money from more people. Our prediction of S&P going to 7500 and NASDAQ 50000 could turn into a reality. Our prediction of Amazon going to 10000, and Google going to 5000 could come true.

Towards the end of February some uncertainty is starting in the financial market and that uncertainty may remain for one month but keep your cash on the sidelines as an interesting era is starting in the market as I’m sure you’ve read in our book. I recommend following our book for the overall trends and please play a small role in promoting 2021 Financial prophecies as doing so may help bring some awareness of the Wave of Nature and Astro cycles and how valuable these indicators are.

In our book, in the first cycle of the market with First cycle from the 1st of January 2021 to the 21st of February 2021:

2021-e-book (2)This will be a positive cycle for the Market, and though the third week of January will be a bit bumpy for five trading days, after that the market will start moving can buy metal sections of book.

Metals predictions from book: In our book we mentioned this for the first cycle: First cycle from the 1st of January to the 15th of February During this cycle precious metals will bottom out at $1841; we are strongly recommending staying long in precious metals if you are buying during this cycle around lower side, keeping in mind there will be many occasions’ when volatility will occur during this period.

During this period, between the 4th of January 2021 to the 28th of January 2021 we may see metals performing mixed and forming a bottom around the lower side, but after that we may see prices starting to recover book to read complete 2021 monthly cycle for metals. 

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Thanks and God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma, 31 January 2021