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7 november radio interview with rich Roffman and California fires in my book: 2008/09 World and financial prophecies on page 10..

Here is last week radio interview with Roffman:


Sad predition on fire came true.

This below part prophecies are taken from my current book "2008/09 World & Financial Prophecies" from page 10...



The outlook is quite fiery for the 2008/09 period and I am concerned about the fire problem in California during this time. The combination of the Sun and Saturn is worrisome and it is my duty to warn authorities and the people to be on the lookout. California has a long history of fire outbreaks, and extensive damage was experienced recently in 2007. Unfortunately, the 2008/09 period shows no respite from this predicament. As a matter of fact, indications are for a worsening situation and people must therefore keep their safety paramount whenever fire breaks out in any neighborhood. There should be no hesitation in evacuating dangerous areas as one can always rise from the ashes as long as they are safe. Residents should also take the proper fire insurances on their homes to ensure that they are financially protected. The months of October and November will be the most critical as the Sun will be transiting from the house of Libra. This could lead to extensive damage from fire within the region. Once again, I wish to state that 2008 and 2009 could be the worst years in the history of California in terms of damage from fire.


The problem of fire will not be confined to California, for I see infernos breaking out in various parts of the world. This will affect buildings, factories, storage facilities and chemical or nuclear plants. There is a distinct possibility that a very dangerous incident connected with oil will occur, and it will involve storage facilities, oil wells or pipes. Extremists or terrorist groups will attack these facilities and authorities should therefore step up security around critical oil installations. The 2008/09 period will have unprecedented incidents involving fire, and fire protection needs to be enhanced for trains and public gathering places. In the next two years we shall see an unusually large number of deaths occasioned by fire.



Dear Friends,

Here is part of this week newsletter to review in respect of Obama victory. I am putting any updates what I mentioned during the weeks. Soon we are increase our Weekly newsletter subscription cost.


Change – Yes, We can!!!


Dear Members,

Destiny and time can make anything possible in anybody’s life, and that is why I believe in time and destiny, or birth charts, (the planetary movement the day you were born). Ten years ago, did Obama know that he would one day be taking charge of The White House? Had he ever thought that people in small villages in India and Africa would get excited just by the sound of his name? Had anyone ever thought that from nowhere one man would come with the slogan “Change” and more that half of the Americans would believe that slogan? Obama said one word, and that was “Change”. In reply, half of America said “Yes – we can!!!”


I believe in time, and that is why I fearlessly come out with predictions. I trust 100% in time, or what you can call destiny. One should always believe in themselves, and we should always keep our dreams alive. Fear and negative energy always play the role of an obstrucle in achieving our dreams. We should learn from Obama because he believed in his ability and his dreams. I believed in Dollar, and I believe that Dow will have a unique time ahead.


The election is over, and now we should watch the policies that Obama’s team announces very closely. We are all aware that a lot of money will be moved after the new policies come out. It will be a tough time ahead for Obama because in his chart the positive planetary movement will take place after the 21st of May, 2009. It was just a coincidence that since the end of 2007 I had been saying that housing markets would bottom out on the 21st of May, 2009. This prediction was matching with beginning of the positive time for Obama. Hilary Clinton’s chart was very supportive to the Stock Markets, just like Bill Clinton’s was, and definitely Dow would have gone to 46,000 under her rule, but now that is history because Obama has come into power. At this moment, I am expecting around 29,000 for Dow under Obama.


One should watch the foreign reserve trend very closely, as it is dropping very sharply in the Asian countries, and all this money is converting back into USD. The Central Bank of these countries are going into the open market to buy USD, and this is what has created a panic in the currency market. Take the currency trend very seriously, because something very unusual is happening there and is going to happen in the coming time.


All major brokerage houses have increased the margin in commodities and currencies trading, and this may bring down the volume, but the speculators have already tasted the blood of the commodity market, so this market is going to remain volatile. We will be waiting for the astrological positive time to come before we enter the market, and we will get out once the negative indication comes. Day after day I am convinced that trading with the planetary indications will bring produnt returns. Many of our members are enjoying our weekly newsletter, and their respect towards this subject has been growing day by day. As I always say, “Everyone is trying to predict the market,” and I am doing the same thing. We all use different indicators, and if any indicator provides us with the insight of the market, then there is no harm to follow that indicator.


Here is this weeks letter:


Financial newsletter from 10th -14th  November



This week, gold will start on a positive note. I see gold and silver...



This week...



There will be slow..



Buy orange juice on Monday..


Dow is holding well above 7,800, and I am sure it will hold above this level in even the worst of situations... 



This week grains.. 



Last week oil traded as predicted. This week, oil will trade sideways, and if it does not break the previous weeks’ predicted low of $59.80, then I do not see any danger for oil from here onwards. If oil breaks $59.80, the trades below this price for more then three hours, will surely bring oil prices to $51.80. On Monday.., 



If oil doesn’t break $59.80 this week, then we can advise that one should cover all their short positions which we have been recomending since oil was $145. Not breaking $59.80 will confirm that the shorter term, oil had bottomed out. From here onwards, oil will rise around 20-30%. Any way oil is very nearer to bottom.



After a huge marathon run, dollar has been resting...


                                              Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma, 14 November 2008