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Today's Trade & News

Why we predicted on Monday that we shall have 1000 to 1500 points rally...metals, energy & currency trades...

Dear Friends/Members,

Here is small part of today's flashnews which was released today morning in Asia time.


Thanks & God bless

Tuesday Daily Flash news (Unedited report)

Calm down and time to buy stocks as V shape 2000 points recovery may take place as it is power of Mercury, today in the next four 3 hours Mercury will change directions which is great news for investors…


Dear Members,

It has been very painful time for investors. Stocks prices came down more than actual damage done by Coronavirus. I understand 50% fall in many hotel, airline, cruise line stocks but not understand why world got panic and started closing everything like there is no tomorrow. Monday was one of the great buying opportunity in biotech, healthcare, and tech stocks, I hope that this kind of opportunity comes again.

Yes, Mercury played role and that the reason in my book also we mentioned that this could be very uncertain period. Now today that negative will be ending around 9.00 PM Monday Santa Barbara time, or 9.37 AM Indian time on Tuesday which means that worst is over and if you have cash then go all in with buying. Up and down is nature of market and you have to get ready for both sides. I always give very important to Mercury as it has power to play worst negative and positive role. Worst is almost over for market, and now V shape recovery may take place so calm down and start buying stocks which are unnecessary beaten by traders.

S&P can test or recover at least 300 point from Monday lows so keep this in mind.

S&P is way below 2865 level which is great buying, I still believe that S&P won’t remain below this level.

Oil prices crashed 35% in the last two trading sessions which created more damage than coronavirus, but it great news for China, India and other emerging market countries. Net importer countries of oil got jackpot with fall of oil prices.

Currencies market also remained very volatile, emerging market currencies lost big value, Peso one time lost 8.5% value which was beyond logical point.

Today I won’t recommend that you should buy oil, but surely go long aggressive in market and emerging market currencies. Gold failed to take advantage of uncertainty of market and fall of USD which is bad news for metals.

Trade in and out in rest of commodities, yesterday only two commodities traded positive and they were coffee and natural gas.

Calm down: I was talking to my doctor in USA, as per him we all will get Coronavirus in the next three months and we all will survive, expect threat to very old age people but no every old person.

When I was writing this year’s book “2020 Financial Prophecies”, the main point that we saw was that there would be some uncertainty and that’s the reason we predicted that the second cycle would remain negative, and advised investors to stay away from the market. This below part is taken from book page number 44 and 45, stock market sections.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma