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Today's Trade & News

9 to 13 July weekly newsletter here for market, metals, energy, grains, softs, bond and more...

Dear Members,

Today after many years I decided to give way this week Weekly newsletter for everyone for free as promiosed. I always come-out with weekly newsletter on Sunday before all market opens. This newsletter covers next week.

I know many of people can’t afford my services, and that the reason I have been recommending to buy “2018 Financial Predictions” book, I believe that this book will change investors life and that the reason I have been recommend buying this book.

In this week newsletter we mentioned water related disaster and still some water related natural disaster will happen so be careful if you are in area of flood zone and if any heavy rain is coming or any storm warning then don’t go out.


I wish you everyone good luck and stay healthy & happy because this life is very precious.

Here is this week newsletter from 9-13 2018 PDF FILE which was released on 8 July at 3.00 PM California. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma