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Today's Trade & News

After $1142 our next target for gold is $1080 but this price will able to hold? Small part from Mondays stock report..

Mondays Stock Report (unedited copy)

Call options in S&P and put options in gold can mint you money without owning mine


Dear Members,

Every trader would like to make money in the market and that is the reason they invest, but the results are not the same for everyone, because there are so many factors involved. We created this theory and a good thing is that I also invest or trade in the market, and I can understand the frustration we face with our trades or investments. Also our age, behavior pattern, and risky attitude plays a key role in investing and the results, but the luck factor plays a most powerful role for each individual.

In 2005 I achieved 13300% returns in 4 months; it was like a miracle (you can see all those trades on our website ). It will not be possible if you ask me to achieve the same kind of results now. Many made great returns in the tech bubble in 1998/99, and many made a great amount of money in the commodity bubble of 2001 to 2007. Many made money in euro buying in the same era and currently people are making money, for those who are invested in the market but only if you remain with the right trend.

It is so complex to understand the path of success with ones career, money, health, family and the way we lead our life with our decisions. Everyone would like to earn a great amount of success, money or happiness but that will not happen for everyone. Life moves like a stock chart and once you start drawing a chart of your life’s trend from the day you’re born, till today then most of you will find amazing volatility.

Today you should take out some time from your busy schedule and make chart of you life till today and see how your chart of life pattern moved?

I created this small chart as a sample copy, you can add as many points you want. It is important that we understand our life pattern along with all core important points around us which shape our life.

Career, Wealth and happiness are important elements for our personal life in the current world in which we live, to keep these elements balanced is the most tough job but this job can be made easier if you meditate regularly and create the right team, or hire the right people. Many people come to our website but they dont want to spend money on subscriptions, the same people then keep sending us emails that they are stuck with gold, or that they have missed a buying opportunity in the market. Connecting with the right people; surrounding yourself with the right energy, and thinking can help create wealth and a great career so please start focusing.

Money, career, growth or wealth doesnt play any role if you leave everything for self-awareness and go to the Himalaya’s. To lead in the current world you need to have good planning with a positive luck factor.

If you like to make investments and trading a full time career than give 100% to this and results will very positive. Our theory will help you in making investment decisions at this stage because currently our theory is working well. Stay focus to make money as still best time is pending for the next 19 months.

Last week selling recommendations in metals, buying recommendations in stocks and USD performed very well. We strongly recommended buying Google on Tuesday and this stock move $120 in eth last two trading days. Read our daily stock report closely as this earning session may provide you great returns.



Last week stock prices performed very well globally. Indexes moved sharply higher after Greece voted in favor of the deal. We all aware that Greece had a no choice, so the deal was supposed to take place when this issue rise’s again in late 2017/2018, this will be different.

At this stage the astro cycle is supporting the markets trend 100% so any negativity or negative news will be thrown away by positive astro cycles. S&P closed above 2062 under the most uncertain period, and now it closed above 2118 level which is the most bullish sign. S&P is ready to move toward $2188 to 2327 within a short period of time so hold your positions tightly.

Last week most of the stocks performed very well after earnings. Google surprised everyone by moving 16% on Friday, buying Google was the best call. This week Amazon’s results should be cheered by investors and stocks should move 10 to 20% so hold your positions tightly. Read our daily stock report very carefully.

Last week the Emerging markets moved higher, the Chinese market stabilized and the USA market moved towards an all-time high. This week the market should move sharply higher without any break. ON Monday we see the market trading positively and the same kind of trend will continue on Tuesday. On late Wednesday once again some profit booking will come but late Thursday one should add more aggressive positions in the market.

This week many key tech companies will announce earnings and most companies will move higher so stay long. This week S&P may move towards 2157 and NASDAQ can move around 150 point.

Buy some aggressive positions in Shanghai market or YINN 3x etf, also one can keep adding INDL and BRZU as these are great bet for medium and longer term.

This week AMZN, APPL, IBM, MSFT, YHOO will be announcing earning. Amazon shall come out with great results and stock may move sharply higher. We already predicted target of $1000 by end of next year so build longer term call options position in this stock.

On other hand IBM have been in out longer term buying list so keep adding this stock without fear. At this stage we will recommend buying IBM or put your hard earn money in it.

We recommend staying away from YHOO because we have better choices at this stage.

MSFT and APPL will also come out with good number but we don’t know how stocks will perform.

Other many companies will be announcing earning during this week and these stocks will move higher, they are: HAWK, GPRO, CMG, BK, APH, BA, CHKP, EMC,  FFIV, FTNT, QCOM, SNDK, TXN, XLNX, SKX, TER, CELG, CY, DGX, DNKN, MMM, UA, VRX, ALGN, ATHN, BSX, CA, CPHD, JNPR, PFPT, SBUX, SWKS, and V.  

Many old big name will be announcing earning like KO, MCD, GM, BCR, ABB, and ZMH.

At this stage there are so many trading and investing options are available that it is very difficult to choose which is better. Stocks are on one side, on other hand some etfs like GLL for gold, TMV for thirty year bond, BRZU/INDL from emerging markets are available.


On Monday Greek banks will open and we don’t see major runs so don’t get scare. At this stage markets are set for major move so stay long in market with target of 5 to 10% higher in short term. Call options will mint you money, we are sure you must be holding sizable call in GLL (Gold shorts), and TMV (thirty year bond shorts), both these trades will make you money without putting much effort so just hold these both positions until we recommended to hold. Gold may see $880 and thirty year may see 129 level which may push both these etfs at least 100% higher from here.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma