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After 11 months of nonstop rally, finally negative to volatile time started as mentioned in a book...last week recommended closing all long in stocks and bitcoin but...

Friday Daily Flash news (Unedited report)

Book cycle is on spot as we expected market o adopt weakness on 18 February 2021 but….


Dear Members,   

After 11 months of non-stop rally finally market feel that many stocks have achieved top, and many are trading well above fair value. Our second astro cycle which have just started as per mentioned in the book and this cycle represent volatility with selling pressure. Our book “2021 Financial Predictions” must read and one must follow each cycle if one care for investment.

Currencies acted mix, Pound and Euro gained value but be aware. Metals acted negative, stay sideline as they have been trading negative on positive astro day.

Markets started trading volatile as expected, we are recommending to stay sideline. Energy prices achieved top, higher side selling is recommended.

We have entered in volatile time cycle in market but it mean that every stocks will fall, even during this cycle we have long stocks list in our buying so follow our recommendations. Best area to bet will be lithium stocks, surely many frontline tech stocks are great buy so follow our list. Wait for next weeks weekly newsletter.

Last week we recommended closing long positions in bitcoin around or above $50000. Bitcoin closed above $50000, as predicted it may test $52757 level before it start moving lower but it is closes above $52757 level for the more than three days then we may see huge momentum building for it to move toward $78771 but at this stage one shall close long in Bitcoin between $50000 to $52757 level.

Must read this week newsletter carefully.

On other hand lithium, uranium, cobalt, graphite and Nickel stocks are on fire, stay long as these are our favorite sector. Though Cannabis and uranium are not that favorite but they will walk along with market trend.

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