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Today's Trade & News

After Fed meeting metals, markets and currencies will trade...

Wednesday Daily Flash news (Unedited report)

Fed decisions day and most crucial one…we are predicting dollar to hold value but same time we are predicting precious metals to rise…


Dear Members,   

Picture 1Commodities started traded very volatile since Mars entered in Cancer because every single day they moving both in volatile trend and many of them came down lot from the higher side levels. It looks like that this volatile trend may continue until mid-July so trade carefully. If they lost value then can also recover but this only applies for metals, not for grains and softs because metals are more closely connected with Mars.

I won’t be surprised at all if USD moves higher, and same time precious metals can move higher as well as market can move higher, this will be most interesting movements to watch in financial market because many experts will get wrong from here onward. Most of you are witnessed about 22nd March 2020, when we call end of bear cycle in market and starting for big bull market when Covid-19 was dominating. It was not easy predictions to make because I am also human and, in those circumstance, to predict bullish trend and advising members to buy aggressive long in stocks was one of the best calls. Thanks to astro cycle because astro cycle indications I would not have able to recommend buying.

On Tuesday metals lost value but base metals lost big value. Today is one of the most crucial day for metals. We recommend buying precious metals around lower sides after Fed decisions, and stay sideline in base metals. Silver is ready to move up big, plan your trading strategy well to make fortune in silver. Read complete daily flashnews metals sections.

Energy prices remained firm and they will act positive but they are heading toward crucial levels.

Grains lost big value but stabilized around lower side on Tuesday and softs lost value. Lumber have been losing nonstop value.

Currencies traded both side but dollar gained value. Wednesday will be most crucial day for currencies. We see dollar, metals and markets walking together.

Globally equity market acted mix, though they remained in the positive day but USA market witnessed profit booking.

Today fed meeting will guide trend for commodities, currencies and market from here onward. This meeting already build up so much expectations and fear in the mind of trader which surely movements commodities, currencies and markets will be big.

Wednesdays trading strategy from metals, Indexes, energy, currencies, grains, softs and bond…. Subscribe to read complete daily flashnews, or you can just subscribe metal sections if you are interested in metal sections, you can subscribe for even one week.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma