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Today's Trade & News

After gold crash in August, Silver will take over gold position?

Dear Friends,

Today I must say that the planetary movements can guide us very well in this very uncertain time. In the last few weeks we have witnessed a huge amount of volatility on both sides in each and every one of the markets. The daily trends are changing and this is putting the common man in such confusing situations.  We don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow and because investors are not able to plan longer term trends. We have made a few changes and adjustments in our theory to guide our members and so far the results have surprised me. I hope that from here we may be able to provide a great insight of the daily trend of markets and I am sure this will bring great returns to our members.


I am putting here small part of this week’s weekly newsletter:    

Booking profit in grains has proven to be very accurate

Buying rice provided us good returns and in the last month coffee and grains buying calls paid great returns to our members

Recommendation of selling soft commodities also paid good money

The Zig-Zag market trend and buying recommendation of alternative energy stocks is showing positive result so far. We were positive on the Indian stock market for this week and that has also proven to be very accurate. We are predicting DOW to hit 42000 and BSE index (India) to hit 52000 in coming years.

The last few weeks our call on the weak trend of precious metals has saved many of our members a lot of money. This week metals daily trend was very accurate; of course we are very bullish on silver because we see silver hitting $42 in a few years time once current weakness gets over.

This week our daily outlook for copper was very positive and it traded exactly in that way.


Important note - I am not trying to prove how accurate we came, because many of you aware that in past, we came off track as well. After twenty years, now last week we just made a few adjustments in our study and I am shocked with the accurate results.


Here is this week newsletter:


Get ready for new era of Astro predictions

Weekly newsletter from 19-23 July, 2010, Predicted on 18 July 2010

Dear Members,

Big players are taking control of financial markets. They are even looking at small markets, regions or financial instruments to make money. Stock market investment is a different thing but futures trading specially commodity trading is a zero sum game because somebody is making money on someone else’s loss. Small investors are difficult to make money because big guys can control market as they wish.

Since I started predicting financial markets, I’ve been adding many areas which could directly or indirectly affecting financial markets trends. There are so many factors that can shape any trend. We are all aware about key factors like economic data, geopolitics, weather, fundamentals, technical charts and market or investors sentiment. Yes, I do keep close watch on all these indicators but you have seen that I predicted many times contrary trends without fear of what all these indicators showed.

In my theory, I believe that sentiments can change suddenly as trend turns, economic data just give indication on the current health of the economy which everyone is already aware about, and technical indicators change once prices break trend lines which are not trustworthy most of the times. So how do planetary movements guide in a better way? I am not saying that I know all combinations in astrology because I also came very wrong on short term predictions many times. Take a recent example of dollar fall. Yes we predicted very accurately the rise of dollar but we never expected this interim and huge correction in dollar. This experience has thought me a lot and added something more in my theory.

Last week I was in a deep thought process. I have not slept well because I was not happy with my guidance. Most of my members say that they believe 100% in what I predict but short and medium term timing is also very important. In the last 18 years I called all major markets trend very accurately (I don’t think that anyone is there who made all calls what I did), but why I am not able to made billions. It means that most of my followers who have been following in the past decades also have not made fortune (except a few) even though I predicted all major trends very accurately. Yes, on this point I was meditating a lot during the last seven days. Yes, there are a few problems within me and a few big errors I have made. In 2002 when silver was trading around $4.40, I bought silver call options of 110 million ounces (call prices $8 and time was 2005 December).  My call went expired with zero value but if I had bought 2006 December calls I would have made an enormous fortune. In this case my timing was wrong, although I was quite a early bird in predicting that silver would reach $21 in few years time.   

Same mistake I am making when I see some new trend which hardly anybody is predicting. Last whole week I spent most of time on thinking of how my members can make serious money from predictions without losing capital or having loses in shorter term. Yes, it is difficult task and changes that I am trying to take. I know everyone has their own luck, karma and destiny but I am trying from here to show a clear path which should bring profits to my all followers.

I have taken this challenge very seriously and have added a few more Astro indicators in my theory which I never used before. Most of you are aware that, I also try to use my spiritual awareness and sixth sense to better predict the trends. There is no need to hide that I receive messages from meditation/six sense and many time I accepted this in the past.   

From here I will try to focus more on market timing than the trends because trends give you overall indication of future but timing is most important for all investors when to get in or get out. Now it is high time that I rectify my mistakes. I will put my longer term view in each in very newsletter but more concentration will be on medium and short term trend as current market trend is very volatile and it will remain like this for the next five years as the whole financial system moves towards eventual collapse.


Let’s see what major planetary movements are taking place in this week as per Vedic Indian astrology:

Mars will be changing house at 06:36 AM IST (Indian standard time) on 20 July. Mars will leave Leo house and will join Saturn in Virgo. 

Jupiter will get retrograde in Pieces on 23 July at 17:24 IST.

Mercury will change house from Cancer to Leo on 23 July at 22.10 IST.

Week will start with Moon in Libra then on 20 July, 18:18 IST will enter in house of Scorpio and 23 July at 4:30 IST will change house from Scorpio to Sagittarius.

Sun in the house of Cancer

Venus in the house of Leo

Saturn is in house of Virgo

North Node is in Sagittarius and South Node is Gemini

During current week many new Astro combination will take birth so we will see new trend developing in financial market. There are hundreds of other combinations we check before I make predictions so let’s what planets indicate for this week:


Trading strategy for this week, Weekly newsletter from 19 to 23 July


Jupiter and Mars both are very important planets for metals and both planets are indicating new trend changes. Last few weeks we clearly mentioned that precious metals won’t have great time ahead after 19 July at least for the next two months. Even last week short term planetary were not shorting metals so we warn investors to stay away from metals.

This week’s planetary movement is indicating huge volatilities in precious metal market. We always try to avoid advising and trading when Moon is in Scorpio and this week Moon will be transiting from Scorpio so avoid trading late 20 to 22 July.

This week precious metals will try rebound from late Tuesday or on Wednesday. Best strategy of this week will be buying on sharp fall and sell on sharp rise. Take position after 90 minutes of any sharp rise or sharp fall once USA market open.

Monday metals will remain weak, so any sharp rise should be taken selling opportunity.

Tuesday to Thursday we will see huge volatile, any sharp fall should be taken as buying opportunity on for intraday. Friday prices will move down.

Trading range of gold will be $1198.80 to $1165 and silver $18.18 to $17.12.

Planning – Next…………….. we see weakness in gold and silver so any rise should be taken as selling opportunity for intermediate term. I won’t be surprised if gold and silver fall around 20% in the next……... Next two months trading range should be…….

Metals stocks will keep making new lows in the next…….       

Those who are planning to invest for two years should start accumulating silver and gold by early September. Human psychology or emotion is controlled by Mercury and Moon, currently each and every investor is in love of precious metals. At this stage analyst are to scared to predict any major fall in metals as they are aware that huge crowds are always ready to buy on falls but we know that current planetary movement is ready to fool buyers. Planets have this unique indicator that is not available in any other market predicting tools……. 



During this week base metals will remain very volatile. As precious metals are Godfather of base metals so surely they will follow precious metals for any major INTERMEDIATE OR LONGER term trends. This week Palladium and Copper still look positive so avoid any short or selling in both of these metals. Platinum, aluminum, zinc and nickel will move down.

I don’t recommend any trade in base metals from late Tuesday to Thursday. Trading range for copper will be $288 to $312/318. Palladium will trade in narrow range but platinum will fall up to $1478.

 Important note: If precious metals start recovering from late Tuesday then they will recover very fast but don’t be afraid of selling at higher predicted prices.



Still prices are very stable and many of our members are waiting to buy coffee. Currently both coffee and cotton are trading sideways and this week we see coffee making new high but cotton will remain sideways or weak trend. As we are aware that weaker trend in commodities is on the way so it will damage all markets.

I am not recommending any selling or short position in coffee as coffee, corn and dollar are our favorite of 2010 and 2011 so wait for buying opportunities in coffee. Next target of coffee is $178.

Cotton prices will remain weak so avoid any buying in cotton. Those who want to create some shorts can go ahead, or better, buy puts in cotton.



I don’t recommend any buying in sugar, cocoa, lumber and orange juice for this week but yes one can buy rice. We see sharp “U” shape rising coming in Rice. We see 20% rise in rice in the next one month.

One can sell sugar and cocoa on higher side by Thursday. This week lumber and orange juice will trade either sideways or weak.



This week Treasury bond will trade weaker so one can take selling opportunity in 30-year bond prices. This week trading will be $128.80 to $124.80. Sell bond from Monday and Thursday on rise.



During last week newsletter we recommended selling stocks on Thursday and that has proven very accurate. Singapore and Indian markets traded positive as mentioned, and we still don’t see any major weakness in both of these markets.

This week we see volatility dominating all major markets. Monday all markets will remain weaker but recovery will start from late Tuesday and the rising trend will………..



Rise in grains have surprised everyone. In fact, the rise came so fast that many have missed buying opportunities. This week is negative for grains so avoid any new buying or those who are holding, lighten up because you may get better buying opportunity in the coming weeks.

Don’t short grains but hedging is highly recommended. Monday to Friday (the whole trading week) looks negative for grains. Buy grains on late Thursday or Friday.



This week planetary movements indicate weakness in oil price so avoid any buying. Stay away from heating oil, RB Gas and Natural gas. From Monday to late Tuesday oil will trade weak, late Tuesday to Wednesday oil will try to recover but it will fail in late Wednesday. Friday oil will move down significantly. Trading range for oil will be $77.20 to $72.60. Heating oil and RB gas will fall with similar percentage.

Natural gas will also trade weakly so any rise in gas should be taken as a selling/shorting opportunity.  Trading range in natural gas will be $4.59 to $4.21.

Buy DTO. It will provide you with good returns.



Last week we came very wrong in currencies trading predictions, especially EURO and Pound. Australian and Canadian dollar prediction came true. Swiss Franc remained up and Yen which is our favorite after dollar, remained very positive and made high.

This week dollar should try to gain value against Pound and Swiss Franc from Monday and whole week dollar will remain positive against these both currencies. Trading range of pound will be 1.5410 to 1.4920. Swiss Franc will trade 0.9620 to 0.9310. Selling is recommended in both these currencies.

Euro will remain sideways for this week so avoid trading Euro. Trading range will be 1.2809 to 1.2970. Whole this week rise will follow by sharp falls, and vice versa, so trading Euro actively without holding for long might be profitable.

Canadian and Australian dollar will remain very volatile on both side and weak. Any rise on Tuesday and Wednesday should be taken as a selling opportunity in both these commodity currencies on any sharp rise…...

Rupee, Rand, Peso and Real will trade weakly during this week. Sell these currencies against Dollar or Yen. Expect also 3% fall in these side currencies.

Yen will remain positive so avoid any new selling in Yen. We are expecting Yen to hit multi-year high against USD and same time Yen will gain value against world currencies so buy Yen without fail on weakness but after a few weeks weaker time will start in Yen.

Dollar index traded with huge corrections last week. This week we are expecting it to stabilize. Trading range will be 82.29 to 83.33. Monday, and early Tuesday will be positive for dollar. Late Wednesday and Early Thursday will be negative for dollar but after late Thursday and Friday buying opportunity in USD.


Shorter term (this week) – Huge volatility, prices of commodities and currencies will move both side.

Medium term (Tow months) – Huge crash in commodity will take place and on other hand strong rebound in USD. No surprise for me of gold falls 20 to 30% from here in the next few months. Stock markets will remain sideways, buy selective stocks.

Longer run (three to four years) – Silver, coffee, dollar, corn and alternative energy will make fortune if you buy with planning (may be options).


This week – Treasury looks weak, coffee will make new high and dollar will form bottom

Lately – Coffee and corn prediction done extremely well. Metals also traded almost as we saw but dollar Index prediction came wrong in the last one month (I APPOLOGY FOR THIS, PLEASE FORGIVE ME).

Final note:

Mars changing house will give new force to USD and weaker trend to………………

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Prediction date : 18 July 2010