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Today's Trade & News

Alert - Great trades are here from Wednesday...don't miss opportunity and book will be ready with all different sections...

Great time make some buying bets in market and stocks…


Dear Members,

Today many stated that Mahendra you predicted bullish trend and market started going down, I wish you read our Weekly newsletter, Daily Flashnews and “2018 Financial Predictions” book, in every predictions we mentioned market to start moving up from late Wednesday. Tuesday and Wednesday are perfect buying days.

In our book and weekly newsletter, we recommended start buying positions in market from 31 January 2018 as new cycle is starting. In first cycle we predicted there would be uncertain cycle for market between “21 January to 31 January 2018”, and after that bullish pattern indicated in Indian market, USA market. Stock will move higher and Index.

This week we released three trades to take, and there were MSFT (Microsoft), INDL (Indian ETF) and TMV (Thirty Year bond). We recommended buying from late Tuesday or Wednesday. Also, small trades we recommended QQQ, and SPY on Tuesday and Wednesday. Currently S&P is at 2825, and NASDAQ 6811.

Also, from Tuesday we recommended buying precious metals as well as etf like GLD, JUNG, NGUT. We saw gold holding $1333 level at this stage with major support at $1298 level. On higher side $1357 to $1363 are crucial levels.

Bond prices are falling as predicted. Grains started gaining value and US Dollar Index is holding most important level of 88.21 as predicted.

On other hand Oil is still struggling to cross $65.68 level as predicted.

Crypto currency trading sharply lower as predicted in book and mentioned many time on website. Our view was very negative from 7 January for Crypto, read Crypto predictions in our book “2018 Financial Predictions”.  

On many request, we are separating every section of book for those who would like to buy specific sections. Now metal readers can buy only metal sections and they don’t need to buy complete book.

We divided book in to six sections, get ready to buy in next 24 hours, we will send you update once website is ready with updated buy botton for all sections :

2018 Financial Predictions E-Book – Precious & Base Metals outlook & monthly cycles only

2018 Financial Predictions E-Book – Global Index with monthly cycles Only

2018 Financial Predictions E-Book – Global Currencies with monthly Only

2018 Financial Predictions E-Book - Indian Market, USA market, Metals & Rupee Section Only

2018 Financial Predictions E-Book - Crypto Currency & 2018 cycles Only

2018 Financial Predictions E-Book – Energy outlook & monthly cycles Only


Buy each different sections form “2018 Financial Predictions” of your desire market with great price.

I still recommend buying complete book as it worth each penny. Please don’t comment on work with-out reading book or letter.

I still recommend buying complete book if you can afford otherwise different sections of book are available at great prices:

Also, amazing discount offer on all major services is ending soon, so take advantage of this great offer.  

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Santa Barbara 10.00 AM