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Today's Trade & News

Alert - In the first week of August Market started acting as predicted so be careful...small part of today's flashnews..r

Alert – I only send alert rarely on special occasions


Dear Members,

Market collapsed on back to back in the two days in the row. Right now, market is falling hard but remain alert as I don’t see S&P going below 2888, also 2908 is very important level. Get ready to buy positions in market because only one negative week is pending.

Yes, I was expecting some kind of uncertainty in the first week of August as mentioned in every newsletter of last one month and this uncertainty may bring great buying opportunity. Mars is change house of Cancer on 9th August, so remain short term trader even if you are buying around lower side so keep booking profit.

Gold moved higher as predicted on Thursday and palladium collapsed and it will keep moving down so keep adding sell on any recovery.

Currencies are in process of bottoming out.

This is what we mentioned in index sections Fridays Daily flahsnews:

On Thursday USA market closed sharply lower after Trump tweet. S&P breached 2975 and 2945 level which is not good sign, we may see S&P testing 2888 level before 9 August because next eight days are remain very volatile and uncertain.

Yesterday FED killed the ongoing rally and today President Trump by imposing 10% tariff on 300 Billion from 1st September. I was very concern of first week of August as Mars going through last degree.

I am bit concern and investors shall remain sideline without any major trade in any market, commodities and currencies because any side can take turn. Since last few months we have been stating that 3027 would be key crucial astro resistance level for market and that proven so accurate. We have been stating that S&P needs to close above this level to continue bullish trend which so far failed in the week though it tested 3027 five times in the last few weeks.   

Market went sharply higher on opening and kept moving higher until middle of the sessions, and sudden tweet from Trump reversed market trend and closed sharply lower, it was disaster. People started dumping whatever they were owning.

On Friday we are recommending staying sideline, trade in and out. Thursday USA market will hold value so buy around lower side on Friday and book profit on higher side on same day. Next week is final week with Mars in Cancer so be aware and trade light because China can also act against USA in the next five days.

This is what we stated yesterday: On Thursday NEW MOON so remain sideline. On lower side we don’t see S&P going below 2951 and it may hold 2975 level in short term.

I strongly recommend avoid any new positions in market or day trading on Thursday. Only day traders can trade in and out.

China/USA trade war will continue without any conclusions.

Humbly we would you to let you know that our services is rated services in Wall-street

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma