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Today's Trade & News

Alert - Save your money in crash and once ignore the noise of market experts..

Dear Friends,
Commodity and currencies Markets are in danger zone as predicted in this week newsletter so trade carefully. There will be a big fall in all major currencies and commdoties after the ten minutes of Fed rate cut on Tuesday. South African rand is ready to collapse with many other currencies. 
We predicted a sharp fall in International stock markets and they are suffering, still bad time is not over yet.
Grains are trading limit down and still log way to go but short term traders can book profit by Friday.
Coffee and cotton aslo went down sharply and I am not recommending any buying because we recommended selling but we shall buy coffee around $131-129 and cotton at $66.80. Aoid sugar, Cocoa and orange Juice. 
Monday Oil down sharply from high as predicted and we are waiting for $65 to cover our short position. We shall be selling more on Thursday.
Metals are in danger zone and soon they will hit our predicted prices of lower side. Same of metal stocks so life time opportunity to sell metals at current prices.
Those who have ordered "2008-09 World & Financial Prophecies" shall get during this week or next week as we are mailing out tomorrow, so you shall receive any time during this week or next week.
Thanks & GOD Bless
Mahendra Sharma, Monday 8.30PM, 17 March 2008, Santa Barbara