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Today's Trade & News

Alert - Why still market hold big risk from nature and why lithium stocks have been our favorite...

Dear Members,

Few of members sent email after reading yesterday newsletter because few of them seems bit confuse About market trend, so I need to answer these questions:

1. 1. First, let me tell you that you need to hold buying positions in UVXY (currently it is trading at $15.80) until 11 December, it doesn’t matter what happens, I will give final note on 11 December hold buying positions, add more UVXY or one can buy new positions. We are still expecting huge volatility and sudden fall in markets between now to 11 December. Look at emerging market etf’s, they are just falling hard (BRZU, LABU and INDL).

 2.      Hold all your bear bet on market till 11 December 2017, because there are many risks are showing in astro cycles. In this week newsletter we also talked about earthquake coming, after sending letter there were two earthquakes hit, one was on boarder of IRAN/IRAQ and second one in Costa Rica. It was not coincidence of my predictions timing and earth quake hitting these two-different place (Iran/Iraq and Costa Rica).  There are very strong chances that major earthquake is on the way either in California or Japan as per current astro combinations because North Node is clearly showing this. Earth quake cycle have started and from Friday onward of this week we may see major earth-quake hitting these areas. This is small part from this week’s weekly newsletter: Earthquake: I was very young and was able to predict the earthquake in USA, San Francisco in 1989 and after than Japan, Kobe earthquake of 1995. I am currently worried about the astro cycle which can bring a major earthquake between San Francisco and LA and Japan. This could be devastating but the bull can see any disaster as positive news for the market because market feel that after war or natural disaster economy always improves. I don’t see this news as positive news for market. The North Node is moving throughs 25 and 24 degree of Cancer which is not good news as the North Node holds the power of gravity. For the next two weeks starting from Friday the 20th of November could be dangerous for USA and Japan coastal area. Once the North Node moves out from 24 degrees then it is a safe time. Japan is coming in our earthquake list from next week onwards because the astro cycles are turning very negative towards natural disaster and at this stage most of the planets are indicating earthquakes. We predict that in the next 11 months a few dangerous earthquakes will take place on our planet. We can rebuild any structural damage but won’t be able to replace human loss of life.

If any major earth-quake hit Silicon-Valley that could be most dangerous for investors because market can fall 20 or 30% in day. I pray that this prediction doesn’t come true because we don’t like to see human deaths and destructions.

3.    Focus on lithium stocks, discloser (I own few of lithium stocks and recently we bought LTUM).

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

9.00 am Santa Barbara