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Today's Trade & News

Alert - Here are levels to buy as we don't see these S&P breaching this predicted avoid commodities...load up emerging market currencies...

ALERT - My number 2381 for S&P, even in the worst-case scenario S&P will hold this number

Dear Members,

Tones of email coming and asking Mahendra! market or investment era ended for investor?


I stated that S&P won’t go below 2380, (last week S&P made low of 2388) and I still believe that this number will hold strongly. Yes, I am aware that lot of uncertainty globally. I don’t see S&P closing below 2380 for the three days, period!

Don’t touch commodities, put aggressive buying bet on emerging market currencies. Palladium crashed big, don't buy any positions as lot on lower side is pending.  

Buy biotech and healthcare stocks. Buy quality tech stocks as you may not see this kind of opportunity again. 

Great time to spend quality time close once, get together with family and cook food, play games and talk about life and other important issues as nature provided us this two weeks time to spend with family and close once.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma