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Today's Trade & News

Alert - Here is today's trades for all major markets, metals etc...

Dear Members,

As per our newsletter we expect market to rebound from lower level, and it shall rebound strongly so be aware. I recommend buying positions in market. In our last week and this week newsletter we mentioned that S&P may not go below 2951, currently it made low of 2925 level and NASDAQ 9377 level, these are great level to bet on market as If I am seeing correctly astro cycle then we may see strong rebound from here today and tomorrow. Short sellers will suffer big set back from late Monday and Tuesday also market will move higher. 

In today's letter we see buying will come in USA market and we may see S&P going up strongly in the next few days so follow our weekly letter carefully. Most of markets breached lower side level, I will just update new level in day trading ranges, so this may help traders to find next important astro support level.

Sell base metals and buy precious metals on Monday.

Dollar will made high and then will lose value, great time to make bet in emerging market currencies around lower side.

Lets see our predictions of rebound in market later today comes true or not.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma