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All Fake? Jewish day called Shemitah seven year cycle, blood Moon or red moon..

Dear Members,

Many people are saying and advertising news about the collapse of the market and a disaster taking place on the 15 of September. Many say that this will happen due to the “Jewish calendar day called Shemitah seven year cycle” and many other are giving different reasons like the red moon and blood moon without any academic research. The moon never turns RED or Blood colored. Any calendar cycle won’t have a negative impact, and for there to be any negative impact we have to get a nasty astro combination. We don’t see any disaster or market crash happening on 13/15/23/27 September so we discard all this news. In the past we have discarded similar kind of fake news many times so delete this kind of news because this kind of news is purely propaganda. Yes, it is fun to read and watch videos of these kinds of news. It is human nature to want to read or watch something interesting even though we aware that it is fake and just an illusion.  

Some people like to get popular using negative news or without doing any research, or spending decades studying any theory and trying to understand the principles of nature which are connected with the geo-cosmic/astro cycle; so ignore those who are trying to sell you their news.

Previously we discarded these kinds of propaganda when they happened in December 1999 when people were talking about the end of world. Also at the same time many were talking about a disaster happening due to computers not being able to change to the year 2000. Another piece of news that people were spreading was about the Mayan calendar ending on the date 12/12/12; and now the “Jewish day called Shemitash”, Red Moon or Blood Moon.

We predicted the current uncertain trend on 1 August and nothing more than uncertainty and volatility, so please discard all fake news. We predict a very powerful time cycle from 15 September and onwards. S&P and USA stocks should rally at least 30% by March 2016. Precious Metals are in danger of a big fall. Dollar will trade on both sides, and oil has already bottomed out at $38.00 as predicted.

Chances of rate hike of 0.125 in September are higher, if this happen then may market move down for few hours or one day but overall the market will react very positively and may sharply higher after that. Shorts in Thirty year bond look like great bets for the medium and longer term, and our target is 128 within a year.

Check our recorded and predicted track record of last 28 years on our website.


Important: Many fake or fraud people are trying to copy our work and trying to cheat people by telling that they are predicting market trend so be careful.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma 3 September 2015