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Today's Trade & News

Alternative energy and Nuclear energy - Biggest bubble is on the is my recommendations..

Biggest bubbles of History - Power and alternative energy

tsunami wave is coming

Dear Members,

One of the greatest bull markets in history is set to take place in alternative energy including

nuclear power, and today I wish to focus on it. However, it is yet unclear how many people will

recognize the opportunity and take part, mainly because investors are yet to have full faith

in alternative energy sources. Historically, the record in harnessing alternative energy sources

has been dismal and most companies involved in such ventures have ended up failing.

Reluctance to embrace alternative energy is a major challenge and has been instrumental in

past failure. Other factors include;

Lack of confidence by investors (both retail and institutions)

Lack of commitment and long term support by government

Hesitation due to apparent high cost factor and lack of faith in technology

Easy availability of oil, gas and coal at competitive rates with government monitoring

and controlling inflation

Reluctance and resistant to technological change by key players like the

Automobile industry

These factors have immensely contributed to negative sentiment against alternative energy

sources, but current realities in the world make alternative energy a strong and viable

alternative to old sources. Factors contributing to this shift include;

Uncertain oil prices resulting in fear in world industry

The desire of the world to break from dependency on oil from the Arab world and

mitigate the huge risk factor in case the region becomes unstable

Growing demand and increase in world population

Many countries are making the transition from underdeveloped to developing nations

as well as from developing nations to developed countries.

2 | P a g e w e e k l y f i n a n c i a l n e w s l e t t e r b y w w w . m a h e n d r a p r o p h e c y . c o m

Global warming and the desire by nations to embrace green/clean energy

There is policy and fiscal support by key players especially America and Europe , taking

concrete steps to promote alternative energy sources.

There is demand from a new technology savvy generation. People now want their

electronic gadgets including laptops and cell phones to run longer without recharge;

they want their cars to run on batteries as well as convert solar energy for day to day


Lastly our wave of nature theory indicates that new energy sources will take the place of oil

after fifteen years. Indeed, nature points to a changed world, and supported “Barak Obama”

who is fully committed to adopt this baby called ‘alternative energy’ and raise it well so

that this time it does not die. This is a leader who has professed his desire to bring change,

and indeed he shall effect changes in the energy area. This will be great for the world if

successfully accomplished, and I am happy for the salvation of our beautiful planet. It will

be good for the world to rid itself of dependency on oil and embrace more sustainable

means of powering itself.

Meanwhile, I can state once again that the “World’s first big bubble of stocks” has been

born and that it will grow in the next five years and sky rocket in 2015/16 before bursting

between November 2017 and February 2018. I foresee stock prices rising more than 5000%,

and alternative energy index will multiply fifty folds on the strength of extreme demand

for alternative energy stocks.

Our accuracy from the planets is usually 100% regarding the long term picture in the

world financial market and I am therefore confident that people won’t regret buying solar,

nuclear, fuel cell/battery, hybrid and geo thermal stocks. We were right about the Technology

boom, as well as about the boom in natural resources like oil and metal stocks. We shall

likewise be spot on regarding alternative energy sources.

Meanwhile, I have received a lot of feedback suggesting that I should establish an alternative

energy fund as many people believe that this will give more confidence to investors. I am

taking these emails very seriously and if nature allows me, then I shall do something in this


3 | P a g e w e e k l y f i n a n c i a l n e w s l e t t e r b y w w w . m a h e n d r a p r o p h e c y . c o m

I shall begin a new journey from this week, and a section about alternative energy will now be

included in the newsletter on a regular basis. I shall therefore be giving stock

recommendations and follow their performance from now through 2017.

The first recommendations are three nuclear Funds/ETF:

Market Vectors Nuclear Energy ETF (NCL) – Last price - $18.88

PowerShares Global Nuclear Energy (PKN) – Last price - $15.30


One can take a long term position in both funds and hold for the next five to seven years.

There are plenty of details that I shall be sharing with you in each newsletter, and members

who find anything interesting can forward it to us and we will share it with other members. I

shall be traveling to Santa Barbara today, and we’ll continue with alternative energy next week

from where we’ve left.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 19 April