Dear Members,
I never get excited when I come right or neither gets upset when I come wrong. I am simply a human being like you. As I mentioned in the past that so many things are happening every second in this universe and I have a limit as a human, and can't think each events at the same time because of time limit. So I keep focused on a few important things which carry’s a grave impact on world over all and market. In future also I will try my best to guide you on all over picture.
I have been receiving emails from thousands of people from different parts of the world on my work. I was amazed with the support and the love people are carrying for me. I must thank all of you for your encouragement and support. Without that I would not have been able to reach where I am today. A Few bank and financial institution have also shown their support saying that they are astound to associate with my work which carrying a unique theory on the unpredictable world financial market. I must say that this credit goes to astrology, my Grand father, father and Guru.
Without a delay let’s see what this week is saying:
Thanks & God Bless
Mahendra, 7 Nov 2004