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Anytime Dow is ready for 1000 points reverse is small part from this week weekly newsletter from

Dear Members,

Here is small part from this week’s weekly newsletter. Monday and Tuesday as predicted market remained volatile but huge move is coming and Dow may move 1000 points. Read our daily flashnews closely.


Weekly Newsletter from 13 - 17 October 2014

Please read line by line and must mediate on first part of this letter


Dear Members,

Last week finally balloon of fear arrived and forcefully took the center stage among investors. From the third week of September we have been constantly saying that investors have to be aware that the markets may remain in the most uncertain trend until the 13, 18 to 23 October. On 19 September all major USA indexes made an all-time high except for Russell, and since then the market has been declining. Last week it looked like a bear has breached the security wall of the Bull cycle and started roaring.

The fall of euro was one major concerned for investors because it have exposed how serious the EU zone situation is. Our view on euro has been very negative for a long period and still our predictions of euro losing 50 to 70% value from current rate and it could move toward 0.80 to 0.50 against USD. Euro policy makers are completely confused, and are unable to find the right path which shows greater risk for euro zone and euro.

In mid-2008 we used the headline “the death of Euro and oil”, we predicted that euro wont see 1.55 level and oil wont see 1.45 ever again. It was a very interesting prediction we made, and we must go and read the archives on our website of 2008 articles of a time before oil, currencies, commodities and markets had crashed. Most of members have been subscribers to our services since 2001 so are aware of what we were talking about.

Whenever we predict something important, you should close your eyes and mediate on what astro cycles are indicating. Plan your strategy in that directions for the longer term and we are 100% sure that you will never fail in your investment strategy. Surely you dont have to bet with leverage positions or with any speculations with longer term trades, just take those bets for the longer term and forget about it, until our systems shows a reverse trend. Simple example, of 2001 when oil was at $16.88, we mentioned buy oil and hold until it reaches $100. The same we mentioned for Euro at 0.83, gold, silver and many other financial instruments. This is the most simple investment strategy our weekly newsletter provides and that is why big guys likes our weekly newsletter. Anyways, what is important is what is next after last week’s scary trend.

Two months back in one of newsletters we mentioned that oil would go to $20 dollar in the future coming time and we still hold that prediction (dont expect this to happen in the next two years, I am talking about 10 years down the line). I think oil stocks has achieved top like metal stocks. Surely they can move up and down for the short and medium term but surely there is no longer term positive picture with oils investment. Energy stocks contribute 16% to S&P moves so S&P has to think seriously and should start taking off energy stocks from the index because otherwise USA stocks will move like Japan which never performed well in the last two decades after hitting high if energy stocks remain high weighted in indexes. 

The Euro zone is big pain and will remain painful area for investors, we have to start ignoring the euro zone like Japan after 1987 crash because if we give too much focus and attentions to the Euro zone then the world will never come out from depressions.

Mr. Ben Bernanke of USA and Trichet of ECB were two of the best policy makers, and there is no doubt that Mr. Trichet was very aggressive but on the other hand, Ben Bernanke remained very cool and brought not only USA but the world back on foot. Mario Draghi looks completely confused, and this is very dangerous for the EURO ZONE because he doesn’t know which path to take, what to do and this kind of Central back Governor can bring disaster to any country. ECB should change Mario Draghi immediately otherwise the euro zone will become Japan or worse than Japan was during the late 90s. Five years back we already predicted a vertical split in the EU after 2014 and within the next 12 year. All major EU countries would start fighting and this will bring disaster or uncertainty for financial market. Only few countries will be left in EU around 2029 or there won’t be any EU or Euro. Euro as a currencies is carrying huge risk or threat for world financial markets or for financial system.

Creating the euro zone was biggest mistake and history will remember this. 1989/1990 when I was predicting the fall and division of USSR, hardly anyone wanted to print that article because nobody wanted to believe me but one small regional magazine printed that article in India. Predictions are always unconvincing, and most cannot see it that is why it is called a prediction. 

It will be testing time for the market and Janet because Janet Yellen still has to prove that she can take care of job well that was fixed and maintained nicely by Mr. Bernanke not only for USA but globally.

Still USA is in a great position, and corporates are holding huge cash positions, so far earnings have been great, job rates are improving and banks are in far better positions as their balance-sheets are holding less risk assets compared to the past (tech and housing bubble time). Janet Yellen is the most crucial person at this stage and can either break or control situation from here onwards.

The month of October has always proven very volatile and we kept mentioning this in the last three weekly newsletters. How the Sun’s impact can change investors behavior pattern, and how suddenly fear take place in strong deep pockets, and big investors including central banks start liquidating some of their profitable portfolio. If whatever is happening currently is because of the Suns conjunctions with north-node then it should stop by 13, 18 or 27 October because Sun will move down from the Shadow of the North Node on 16 October.

1% chances or probability: Two years ago we mentioned that the worst new disease would be discovered any time after July 2014 or it may come in 2015 to 2016. Though currently we not that worried about EBOLA but surely we should be watching the situation closely. If this disease starts spreading after 15 November then surely we should start getting worried about it because then it will create a major panic on this planet and businesses could suffer badly. I dont want to scare anyone at this stage but surely we would like to watch the situation from 15 November 2014 to 15 January 2015.   

Final note: last week stocks started falling because of fear of ISIS, Ebola, EU zone, China, and fall of energy and small cap stocks. Still big name companies are performing well. It will be testing time for investors during this week as Citi, JP Morgan, BAC, INTC, Netflix, Goldman, google and many more tech and major financial companies will provide last three months and future guidance. Watch closely, as if everything remains claim after Monday then this will be a great time to get into the market aggressively from mid Friday of this week. Does anyone out there still believe that S&P can reach 2130, yes we still does and if the market starts performing well then it will be the most powerful rally for the market will take place in November and December 2014. I will update you on Friday but surely investors should make changes to their portfolio because we would like to see a balanced portfolio. Dont invest 100% in tech, dont invest 100% in energy or commodities. Have a nice strategy, as if Saturn start playing a positive role then this market can go wild in November and December. If Saturn plays a positive role for these months then we see the S&P moving towards 3200 in the next 30 months. However if stocks keep falling from November to January then surely it will be the end of the bull era (chances of this happening is 1.00%, one percent).

Look at ERX – energy stocks 3x leverage eft and SOXL – Semiconductor 3x leverage etf, these ETF’s have fallen horribly during last week, SOXL went down 20% on Friday. If they keep moving down then it will be a depressed situations for the market until 13 September. At this stage we recommend buying call options for March 2015 rather than buying stocks.  

Avoid commodities, though oil has touched our predicted target of $85.38, in fact it moved below which is not good sign but at this stage we dont see oil going below $78.38 in 2014. Trade carefully, and dont trade with leverage. During volatility many technical points will be breached falsely so dont give importance to numbers. We will try our best to guide you during this week, as our astro cycles are still showing positivity for the medium and longer term for technology, banks, biotech, housing, USD and US stocks. This ongoing volatility should end this week on Tuesday as per the Sun’s transit.

As I mentioned last week I met with Mike and while talking to him I found that he has a better understanding of my work, so I told him to write a letter about his understanding of my work and how it can help investors. He is the only person on this planet who has spent a few years with me personally (as I always avoid meeting people). We used to spend at least 5 to 7 hours a day together but then he moved from California to Florida. He has a great understanding of the hidden principle or the law of nature. Here is his letter, and I would like you to go through line by line of his letter and I am sure in future you will able to understand my predictions more clearly. Michael, I am humbled and very thankful to you from the bottom of my heart for taking time from your busy schedule to writing this letter. 

Here is Mike’s letter:

October 11, 2014

Dear Mahendra,

Over the last several days, I have meditated and pondered upon the special relationship we have enjoyed and examined at a deeper level the special gifts you have been empowered with to use at a more universal level.  I share with you these observations to be used as you see fit to provide others with a better perspective of your work.

All the best,



Mahendra and I met about ten years ago.  Just prior to this meeting, I was drawn to his work based upon what appeared to be uncanny and supernatural calls in not only the markets but also international events.  The area that particularly attracted my attention was in the precious metals and his ability to not only call bottoms but also unbelievable expectations as to future upside.

Mahendra and I communicated through e-mail for a few weeks, however within a couple of months our comfort level with one another had grown to a level precipitating  him to plan a trip to Santa Barbara from his home in Kenya to visit me.  We had an incredible visit and within only a few months from that meeting, Mahendra decided to move his entire family to live in Santa Barbara.

Since that time, I have had the special privilege of both observing and monitoring Mahendra’s work.  As a result of this relationship, something very interesting transpired.  Mahendra was able to see the future far more precisely than any individual I had ever met, however I was able (with ultimate humility intended) to see and discern Mahendra in a way he could not see himself.  This was a very special man with a very special gift of prophecy, and he was becoming increasingly aware of just how different and how dynamic this work was.

Please trust me on this one:  Mahendra’s gift is far more than an outstanding education by his grandfather in astrology, and this is what makes his work so unique.  Mahendra also has an incredibly developed sixth sense of anticipating and seeing events prior to their occurrence.  When this is coupled with the roadmap created through astrology, he is able to bring both reason and conviction to seeing the future in what has proven to be a remarkably effective way.  It is almost like he has developed a seventh sense (that has come into existence as a result of a blend of his extraordinary intuitional sixth sense and his astrological capabilities).  Additionally, he has dedicated the last twenty-five or so years in sharpening these skills in the investing and trading world.

Now, this is where it has become pretty interesting and where I feel I can see areas in which Mahendra is almost invincible compared to areas in which a greater level of miscalculation and risk occur.  The simple truth of my experience is that you can take Mahendra’s long-term (beyond one year) predictions to the bank however his short term calls are more problematic, probably because emotion is allowed to enter into the outlook.

Without exaggeration, my estimate is that Mahendra’s long term forecast are probably in excess of 90% correct.  Impossible you say?  Not based upon the empirical evidence I have seen over the past ten years.  Whether it was seeing gold go from the mid two hundred dollar level to over $1800, or oil drop from the $140 level to the $40 level, or the euro rise to unimaginable levels coupled with the dollar’s concurrent decline, his long-term calls continue to astound me.  At the same time these incredibly over the top calls are being made, he is usually flying in a drastically different direction to the presumed experts, who are quick to discredit his work as being totally off the wall.  A 90 plus percent accuracy seems to deserve more respect than scoffing and discrediting, does it not?

In fact, if one could understand and embrace Mahendra’s work, it would probably forever change the entire financial and investing landscape.  Will this happen?  I really doubt it primarily because of the way the Western world sees and believes things to be. 

There is something in our Western consciousness compared to Eastern cultures that will simply not trust what cannot be proven through evidence, facts and history; and should one attempt to break the mold through expressing their strong conviction as to how they see the future, this idea will usually be immediately dismissed because it does not fit into that small box called conventional thinking or intellectual proof.  After all, isn’t this where all the great inventions of the world have come from, from those able to think and see outside the box.  Mahendra has consistently demonstrated this accuracy through the years, but gets little recognition for his work primarily because it cannot be understood through contemporary knowledge or understanding. 

Our world is simply not open to a violation of concepts currently in existence.  When something works consistently over and over again, it is demonstrating empirical evidence that actually works and not simply believed.  The unfortunate fact remaining however is that the world finds it far easier to dismiss it because it can’t be rationally supported, rather than embrace it because of its obvious effectiveness.

Mahendra’s work, in my opinion, is akin to this observation.  His work, for the most part, has been dismissed as something mysterious and not understood.  However few people ask the most important question.   “How can this man consistently be over 90% accurate with his long-term predictions?  I really need to know more.”  Few—very, very few and this is why Mahendra is such an enigma in today’s world.  This is probably why I affectionately refer to Mahendra as the Steve Jobs of the investment world.  He is so uncanny in his long-term conviction of how the world (and ongoing investment potentials) is going to look but few people really take him seriously and therefore miss great opportunities.  Do you need to know or really even care why an iPad is so efficient and effective?  Do you?  Do you really need to know why Mahendra’s long term projections are so accurate?  Honestly, all that is really important is that they work—same as the iPad.

Any professional investor knows that if you unequivocally know the long-term trend of any stock or commodity, fortunes can be made—if for no other reason than waiting to sell at higher or lower levels within that trend.   Additionally, at what level can you look back and appreciate how much it would have meant to have a basic understanding as to how the future was unfolding?  “Should I lighten up or change my current portfolio, or even more importantly, is this going to be a better world to live in during the next several years, and how might my family and I best participate in being a part of this?”  Don’t dismiss what this very unusual and gifted individual forecasts simply because you can’t justify it and it is at odds with virtually everyone else.   Just look at the results.  They obviously speak for themselves.

Mahendra, should you wish to have further clarification on any of the comments in these observations, please don’t hesitate to ask.

In the Oneness of friendship and respect,


We are adding color box after ranges if we see very positive, negative or neutral trend for that particular financial instrument. I am sure this will make your investment decision very easy.

Also below each sections we will put short medium and longer term out with color so this will guide you that our astro indicators are positive or negative for short, medium or longer term.




These are color, Green represent positive or rising and red represent negative trend. Shirt term is for a week, medium term is for three months and longer term for one year to 18 months.


Weekly newsletter from 13 to 17 October 2014 for all major commodities, Indexes, bond and currencies, markets: