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Today's Trade & News

As predicted yesterday, time to start taking long in market around current levels if you have deep pocket but remember volatility to continue...

Next 24 to 36 hours there will be huge volatility

Dear Members,

Right now USA market is just collapsing, UVXY is up 60%, and 130% from the low. Dow is down around 1600 points, S&P is down 100 points and NASDAQ is down 200 points. More volatility will be there. 

Right now, right here buy market if you can, take a very small long positions in S&P (2650), NASDAQ (6500) and Dow (24100), as market will rebound in late hours or in the last one hours as predicted in yesterdays flashnews and weekly newsletter. Don’t play stocks any more, buy Indexes and close some long positions VIX or UVXY right now around $22.00 and in coming days.

We still don’t see S&P closing below 2688 level for the more than three days so market shall bottom out within the next few days as mentioned yesterday so don't miss buying on every sharp fall from current levels in the next few days, currently it is at 2650. Don't miss this kind of opportunity of buying as market will turn around strongly in coming days and those who missed bull market in 2017 can enter around current level and on weakness during thsi week.

We still believe that market will adopt strong positive trend from from 18 February 2018, and S&P will test 3200 before it crashes so I won't call this crash, this is buying opportunity in market every on every sharp weakness. Tuesday market can open negative but will close in green and Wednesday same kind of trend will continue. Keep accumualting buying on weakness but don't take leverage buying positions. Some volatility will continue due to Scorpio Moon during this week so many time during this week many short term buying and selling opportunity will come.

Close half long in UVXY around $22.00 and next at $34.00.

Avoid commodities recommended in yesterday’s letter except buy precious metals and metal mining stocks.  

MUST READ OUR BOOK VERY CAREFULLY, "2018 FINANCIAL PREDICTIONS". If you can't afford whole book then must buy Index sections. 

Gold is in our buying list so take buy in gold and platinum.

Yesterday we predicted oil to move toward $61.38 level, selling recommended at $65.68 level. Avoid energy stocks, as predicted ERX collapsed from $44.00 to $29.80 level in one week, gold stocks looks great bet.

Dollar index is great buy, it held 88.21 level as predicted, sell Euro and Pound. Buy emerging market currencies specially Rupee.

Crypto currency collpased as predicted, Bitcoin tested our first target 7000, but we are still not recommending any buying as still our first negative cycle which started from 3 January still few more weeks are pending so wait for that. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma