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Today's Trade & News

Astro Warning time for bitcoin and Crypto crash so cash in today and invest that money in gold and silver...

Major crashed in Bitcoin and Crypto is on the way so cash in and invest that money in gold and silver…

This below part is taking from this week newsletter 17-21 May:

Dear Members,

Last week we witnessed volatility in crypto currencies and same kind of trend will continue in Crypto this week. We are not recommending any buying at all as weakness will dominate this week. Few weeks back we already recommended selling Bitcoin at $57775 level.

This week Bitcoin and other crypto will lose value so remain seller. If Thursday and Friday Crypto trades negative that will confirms bearish trend in Crypto for the next at least next two months and there are chances that Crypto may fall around 30 to 38% value from current level $50000 bitcoin. All major crypto will follow Crypto. There are bright chances that Bitcoin may test $21225 level, which means that many Crypto will collapsed and many traders may not able to get out from the positions.

Dogecoin has been dominating news in 2021, Musk tweet made it more popular. Dogecoin is in positive Astro cycle for the next 18 month but after that it will lose 70% value so be aware. 

Crypto is here to remain but as mentioned in the book, I see good future for Crypto from 2027. 

Important Note: Warning astro combinations are forming so cash in money from Crypto, and Invest that money in gold and silver. Follow our weekly newsletter and we may start putting comment on crypto in daily flashnews. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma