Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Dear Members,
Metals and oil have reached top of predicted prices during this week. They should come down sharply after USA market open. As per our newsletter we expected big volatility on bothside Tuesday and it came. Higher is achieved now so I am expecting down from here. Gold is trading around $986 and it is a great opportunity to sell. Metal market always fall in last cycle of Moon from Scorpio which will start 8.45 AM New York time. Sell gold, silver, copper, Zink, Lead, Platinum as today and tomorrow sell-off is indicating.
Oil will also fall today from it top of $147 and prices will go back to $143.05.
Grains will remain weak as they are in bear market. We predicted fall on Monday and they traded weak and this whole week should remain weak for grains.
We expected side or weak trend in dollar for Monday and Tuesday as per our newsletter but also our newsletter says sharp rise in Dollar from Wednesday so it is great opportunity of buying today. After USA data one must buy dollar as we expect next three days sharp rising trend for Dollar.
All major stock market are trading weak and they should fall more from here so please don't buy them. Sell all emerging market with European market and hedge the position by buying USA equity.
Thanks & GOD Bless
Mahendra Sharma
Predicted at 7:00am New York time