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Barak Obama, Musharaf, Castro, Mugabe... Few Prophecies from my recent launched book

Dear Friends,

Since we launched "2008-2009 World & financial Prophecies" many prophecies are started fullfiling. Here are few predcition which they came true after launching the book. 


From Stock market section: (Page 46)

From 4 May 2008 the stock market will start to deteriorate, and there will be uncertainty till 27 June. During this period only technology will remain positive while other sectors will fall sharply. Metals, energy and other commodity stocks will weaken more than 30%.


Month of June for Wheat (Page 33)

The astrological chart for wheat looks completely different, and I see a sharp rising from the middle of 2008 due to the drought in Australia. In the section about Australia and natural disasters, you must have read about the severe drought situation that I foresee. This will be one of the worst disasters in 70 years and I recommend buying wheat from June 2008.


Month of May 2008 on Silver (Page 27)

Long term holders of silver should hold their position, but it will be very important to see how low silver falls from 3 April 2008 to 29 May 2008 as this period will also be negative for gold.


May and June 2008 for Gold (Page 25)

The worst period – This will occur from 3 May when gold will enter into a terrible cycle for 52 days (till 25 June 2008). During this downwards trend, I expect gold prices to suddenly move down and result in huge loses to metal investors. This fall could stop once it reaches 18% to 21%on the lower side, and I therefore highly recommend that the first week of April would be the best time to sell your holding position in gold and gold stocks.


Short term positive cycle - I foresee gold prices moving up for a short while during the negative period mentioned above from 29 May. For the following 9 days, a sharp correction should be taken as a buying opportunity, but only for one week.


Small part from Pakistan (Page 77)


One time when I was in Kenya, I had a telephone conversation with army Chief Pervez Musharraf and I told him that he would come into power around the month of October 2002. This is what happened, but I had expected him to rule over Pakistan for only three years since his chart and that of Pakistan went into negative directions after that period. Current planetary movement says that Pakistan has already entered into a critical bad cycle that started in October 2007, and this negative cycle will continue for the next five years. Some years back I predicted that Pakistan would eventually divide into three different countries, and that period is not very far from now. There will be intense political instability in the country and whoever tries to rule over Pakistan will have to face major challenges, including having to sacrifice their lives. This also applies to the current ruler, Pervez Musharraf.


As we all know, Pakistan is planning to hold elections in early 2008, but I don’t see much significance for whoever will be in power because he will be unable to rule for long. There will be serious terrorist problems in Pakistan and in five years the country will be in the grip of extremists. No matter how many billions of Dollars the USA sends to fight terrorism in the country, this will still happen.


I have made several predictions in the past about geo-political events in various countries as well as individuals, and I can tell you that other than Iraq, Pakistan is the other country that could plunge into civil war and eventually divide into separate parts. I do not know how many more days Pervez Musharraf has to rule over Pakistan, but one thing is certain; he does not have much time left, may be few weeks or months of 2008.


From the chapter of USA (Page 90)

Economically, the country will perform better after 12th May 2008, a fact that I have already mentioned in some of my newsletters. The current housing and credit crunch problem will slow down after this date and investors will finally see some hope. In my 2004 book, the last paragraph on page 72 says that “The dollar will remain weak until 2007 and I recommend that investors hold their money in gold or other currencies…” and the first paragraph on page 73 says that “Greenspan and his team will surprise everybody by increasing the interest rate any time around March 2004 or afterwards.”    


Barack Obama V/S Hillary Clinton

Being an election year, 2008 is definitely an important time for the country. Saturn is in the eighth house in the birth chart of U.S.A, which indicates that a new personality will come into power. Given the current scenario, this means that it will either be the first female or the first African American president. Either way, the outcome will be historical. I would like to predict that the U.S.A is going to have a female president in the next 6 years, and for it is definite that the Democrats will carry the day in 2008. Democrats have the two most powerful candidates, and they will have a neck to neck race throughout in a bid to capture their party’s nomination for the presidential election. Until 12 March 2008, the time is very positive for Barack Obama, and he is definitely going to lead the race against Hillary Clinton.


Cuba (Page 64)

Saturn is moving into the eighth house from its original place in Cuba’s birth chart, and this indicates that Fidel Castro will soon lose power and the country will have a new leader. In my 2004 book, I mentioned that Castro would have health problems that would rule him out of politics, and that is exactly what we saw in 2007. Any time in 2008, I do not see Castro in charge of the country.


Kenya (Page 72)

Many new changes will come in the constitution and Prime Minister Post will be created soon. (They created Prime Minister post to resolve election issue)


To read detail predcitions of 68 countries and financial market trends please order book:


I will keep updating from my boook.


Thanks goes to nature and astrology.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma