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Bear cycle will end on Thursday in most of world equity is this weeks financial newsletter...

Dear Members/Visitors,

After a log gap I decided to put this week’s Weekly Newsletter on our website at free sections for people those who can’t afford our services. We are pleased to that last week investors group have rated our weekly newsletter services as most valuable financial letter. We are sure most of you must have enjoyed our “2014 financial predictions”, so far we have received great feedback from readers. Our website completed 11.5 million hits.


Here is this week’s Weekly Financial Newsletter PDF FILE of 27-31 January 2014.

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Most important note: Since last twenty years, I have been struggling to get recognitions of our unique theory to main-street as well as Wall Street but surely one day financial community will accept openly and will respect our theory. Currently many big individuals and institutions are our members but unfortunately they can’t speak openly in public that how useful our services have been in their investment carrier because main street and Wall-street will laugh on them.  


Anyway I respect time cycle and surely time will play a role. 

Thanks & God bless

Mahendra Sharma