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Bear Market - Clock started clicking for stocks market from 27 January and also for metals...small part of this week newsletter 23-27 Jan is here..

Weekly Newsletter from 23 – 27 January 2017

Volatility will start from this week, clock will start clicking from 27 Jan for USA and European market


Dear Members,

Donald J. Trump took the oath at 9.00 AM PST. We expected the market to top out once he took over the Oval office, so expect an uncertain time to begin from now. Also, wait for Saturn to change from Scorpio to Sagittarius, which will take place on 26th January. The Scorpio Saturn has proven very positive for Trump as during this Saturn transit he won the election and acquired the most powerful political position on this planet. I am nervous about Saturn going into Sagittarius for him so let’s wish him all the best and pray that God gives him wisdom and power to do great things for USA and the world.

Trump’s Astro chart – President Trump has a Scorpio Moon in his birth chart so he should give less speeches or shouldn’t come out in media and in public otherwise he will always create controversy. The crowd that went with him and supported him can go against him and he can lose popularity very quickly. Out of 30 days, which is one cycle of the moon, his chart remains very positive for only for 60 hours. 

Trump become Mr. President of The United States from Friday. I am sure he will start making his promised decisions as soon as possible. We must thank the outgoing President, Mr. Barack Obama, and wish him a great life ahead. Obama remains my most favorite Political leader till date. 

Let’s come back to the financial market. On Friday, markets traded on both sides but closed in green. Metals moved higher with energy. Coffee, cotton and corn traded in green. Dollar also traded on both sides but surely lost value from the higher level and Thirty Year closed a bit negative. Palladium prices went almost 6% higher on the news of South Africa cutting output by 9%. Gold will struggle to move above $1219 and S&P may test 2287 level, these are selling level. Energy stocks will lose big in coming days.

On Monday, the Moon will be in Scorpio, so expect volatility in metals, indexes and currencies. We don’t recommend trading any aggressive positions in metals, indexes and currencies. Finish all other pending work and get back to the market from Tuesday. 

Important advice: This is the final week of Saturn in Scorpio Moon so it may keep helping the market to bounce back from lower levels. We shouldn’t be talking any aggressive positions for this week as volatility will increase on both sides due to the Scorpio Moon and Saturn transit. I recommend cutting your shorts in metals for a few days, staying light with trading volume and holding cash, as from next week you can start taking aggressive positions in the markets, metals and currencies. I am sure over the last two decades you must have enjoyed our overall work. Yes, many times I was off-track on the short term but overall our view provided the correct path to investors. Now begins a challenging time for our work because of Trump’s Astro chart and Saturn moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius. The next 21 days will be the most important one and these 21 days will show the real picture of what is to come in this 30 months’ time cycle. I fear that either the market will go for a 3 to 5 year bear cycle or it will remain so volatile that investors will have a tough time to make money. Please give me another 21 days to put out a clear picture of the future coming time. I still believe that whatever I stated in “2017 financial Predictions” will come true but I am not God, I too am human like you. Yes, but I do have the most genuine astro cycle theory which has always provided accurate indications of the future coming time. 

Read our first cycle of metals and indexes very carefully as the first cycle is about to end. If you haven’t bought our book yet then stop reading this letter here and first buy this year’s book: I know you are a subscriber of our Flashnews and weekly newsletter and feel that you hear from me every single day so what is the need of this book. But as an investor I highly recommend buying “2017 Financial Predictions” book and read each line carefully because it will make a huge difference in your investing career in 2017. You must read first cycles for metals and market because the book is different from the letter as it gives overall picture of 2017. Also, if you feel that this book can make a difference to people you know, please tell them to buy it and I am sure they will get the value of each penny they spend on this book.

In the 8 day since we launched the book we have received many kind words of praise. We humbly accept these notes with gratitude. To know more about 2017 Financial Predictions: 


Here is this week newsletter from 23-27 January:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Shram