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Today's Trade & News

Bear market in oil - Small part from Wednesdays Daily flashnews on oil...

Dear Members, 

Here is small part from todays Daily Flashnews, we send daily reprt 15 hours before market opens which helps you to make short term trading decisions. Most of you are aware that we have been calling bear market in oil since Mid-2014, and now oil at very crucial levels. Must read this week weekly newsletter very carefuly. 


On Tuesday oil prices fell another 3% as expected. Tuesday oil closing below $44.55 level and closing negative on supportive astro day surely indicating some serious problem in oil trend in coming days and weeks. Today oil tested $42.93 level which was very close to our one more important support level of $42.65 which is mentioned to achieving last week or early this week.

Natural gas prices traded mix but still closing below $2.95 is bearish indications. We are not recommending any buying in gas as major weakness can arrive in gas if it close below $2.95 for the next two more days.

Many of must be thinking that I have been writing same predictions every day, for market to fall by October and crude fall without adding anything new predictions but I have to follow what astro indicators provided these most dangerous predictions. How many you believed in fall of oil prediction of 2014 in which we stated that oil heading toward $30 when no fundamentals and any other indications suggested that to happen. Yes, my job is tough, I always walk on very thin margin of error because one major big prediction goes wrong and I could lose my credibility which took me build in the last three decades but I always fearlessly walk on thin razor blade because I believe and trust my theory 100%. 

Today market closes negative, oil traded sharply lower by making seven months low and same time metals also lost value. Grains and softs lost value as well which confirms that commodities are in danger zone and they commodity are in fear of further fall which we predicted to happen so stay away from commodities. If market falls then commodities can go down sharply by losing 30 or more percent value from here onward.

I know traders and investors they think that they are smart and they know how to trade and invest but let me tell you that adding astro indicators will surely save you from making mistake in ingornace.

On Wednesday we see negative trend in oil so stay away from any buying. Energy stocks are trading lower and they will keep moving down so don’t touch these stocks. ERX closing below $23.00 will bring disaster for energy stocks. Oil will test $42.65 level, and short term or day traders can cover some short positions but we are not recommending any net buying oil or other energy futures product as well as stocks.

Read below prediction of Monday and Tuesday very carefully one more time.

This is what we stated yesterday: Gas closed below $2.95 level which is most negative news for gas trader, any rise in gas shall be taken as selling opportunity with target of $2.63 to $2.48 level. Astro cycles are negative for energy so only buy if Gas remains above $2.95 for three days.

On Monday oil prices traded negative which is more negative news for energy traders. Stay away from any buying in oil at this stage because our view has been very negative on oil. Closing below $44.55 which happened on Monday could force oil to move toward $42.65 to $39.88.

Don’t buy energy stocks at all.

On Tuesday we expect weakness to both side trend to continue in oil and energy products as well as energy stocks.

This is what we stated for Monday: Last week energy prices traded negative and on Friday oil prices gained value. Oil tested $44.55 and natural gas $2.95; these are both the most important levels for oil and gas. If oil and gas go below these levels then surely oil rich countries and many USA energy producers will go in bankruptcy because then energy stocks can remain in a bear market for many years without any rebound. Most of energy stocks can lose 70% or more value in the coming time so energy traders must pray that oil shouldn’t close below $44.55 level for the next three to five days.

Monday oil prices shouldn’t close negative otherwise it will be worst news for energy traders. I recommend buying oil and gas around lower levels mentioned here below in ranges.

Oil closing below $44.55 will open between $42.65 to $39.88 level. Astro cycles guided us on the oil trading pattern with great accuracy on short and medium term. In 2001 we recommended buying oil at $16.78 with target of $100 and higher, in 2008 August we recommended selling at $145 with the target $32.00, in 2014 again recommended selling at $100 with target of $27.71. I couldn’t ask more from nature and  the astro subject.  

Watch oil $44.55 level and $23.00 for ERX as currently both these levels will be held but if the market starts trading lower, then that could bring new pressure in oil and the energy market in July.  

Wednesdays Daily Rnages of energies (July 2017 contracts):

OIL: $44.51 to $42.59 (August)

NATURAL GAS: $2.96 to $2.86

HEATING OIL: $1.4150 TO 1.3725

RB GAS: $1.4415 TO $1.4070

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma