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Today's Trade & News

Biggest Bull market - Small part from this week's weekly financial newsletter

Most unique bubble in equity is on the way,

weekly newsletter from 20-24 August


Dear Members,

Once again we would love to start this week’s letter with S&P because the most exciting time is on its way. In the last nine months we kept mentioning that the biggest bull market in equity is on the way but we don’t know how many of our members have taken positions so far and neither do we know how many members also believe in our predictions of the bull market!

We see one of the biggest parties in which everyone will get involved, and investors will become millionaires overnight and there will be no value of money because so much money will be made. We will be involved in this party and I strongly recommend that each and every one of our members should get involved in this bull market.

In short, such a time period has never been seen before in the history of Wall-Street, and will never come again in this century. Though yes, we had a small trailer of the tech bull from 1997 to early 2000 and Japan’s equity market from 1983 to 1987.

History will be repeated even this time, “after this bubble there will be a crash, and the crash will be so nasty that stock prices may take 29 years to recover some of these loses” (like Nikkei, crash from 42000 in 1987 and still struggling around 10000).

We are sure that you must have understood what we are saying here! Yes, we won’t be surprised at all if S&P reaches 3200, or even 4000, Dow 40000 and NASDAQ 15000. Almost all of our longer term financial predictions have been fulfilled and so far and we strongly believe that even this oncoming bubble in equity markets prediction will also fulfill.

You must have also noticed that we are very bullish about the future outlook of grains. Yes we see a huge shortage in grains and the rush to acquire grains will create another bubble. There is no doubt about grains outperforming all other commodities, so it’s a great time to make money.

Many of our metal investors must be wondering why we haven’t mentioned metals name here in the bull cycle. Our view on silver is very bullish but for gold and base metals we see a mixed time ahead, in coming time bullish trend in equity may push base metals higher as well. Investors who will invest money in stocks and grains will make far better returns as compared to gold and oil, and we have seen so far in the 2012. Grains and stocks indexes have provided great returns so far against metals and energy in 2012.

We are seriously thinking about meeting all our weekly newsletter members before the end of 2012, most probably in November or December in California before the equity markets start multiplying and go towards the roof. Just come for two days as we would like to discuss how we should take advantage of this bubble as well as the crash after the bubble. From 1997 to 1999 December we had a great time trading in the markets, and we made money in tech bubble but unfortunately only a few people were aware about our work. They also made money, but we got out four months before bubble crashed in 2000. I wish I was also on the short side because that could have made 10 times more money (sorry it sounds greedy so apology but I have to put is as this is financial letter).  

Anyways, let’s make plans to meet because it is important that we meet and plan together. Just come and enjoy time with me in Santa Barbara and I am sure you will remember this meeting for the rest of your life time. Please send me an email if you will be able to make it in third week of November or the second week of December so we could fix up a date because so far I don’t have any plans and I am ready to commit for this meeting.

Let’s talk about this week. Apple crossed the $600 billion market cap, next year it will touch $1 trillion, and many other companies will join this race. Don’t short stocks or indexes at any level, if you’re shorting for shorter term then must long hedging position by buying call options.


As usual this week’s weekly letter was also ready yesterday evening but we deliberately delayed because our legal team is investigating few fraud people those who stealing our work and reselling with their name. They immediately put updates as soon as they receive our letter and flash. 

Humble request: we are aware that few of people receive this letter without paying or paying less, so please stop that. Great time is coming ahead for markets so subscribe your own service (You won’t feel guilty in future coming time) and I am sure you will make fortune.

We are traveling tomorrow back to Santa Barbara, so from Wednesday onward you will receive flashnews on regular time.

Here is this week’s weekly letter from 20-24 August 2012


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

19 August, Sunday 10.30 PM