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Buffet, Gate & Zuckerberg - Here is small part of this newsletter (21-25 Dec 2016) for all major commodities, currencies, stocks markets.....

Weekly Newsletter from 21-25 December

Reward on information: 5 months of a subscription of your choice

Dear Members,

Today I want to talk about what we have to learn from people like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg, because these people are giving away the wealth that they have created after decades of hard work. These three individuals have grown up in the modern western society and learnt the great values of humility and humbleness, and are ready to do everything they can to bring change to the lives of those who are most in need of it in different parts of the world. When I see these three individuals (Gates, Buffet and Zuckerberg), I feel that there is so much that the rest of the world, especially other extremely wealthy as well as middle-class people can learn from them. Giving is one of the most powerful tools that we as humans possess and may people should start adopting this tool because it will bring great changes within us.

We all respect religious places like the Church, Mosque and temple but at same time education centers, healthcare centers, and welfare centers are also very important so we should be focusing on creating more of these.

I was in India in the month of August 2015, my driver was not able to pick me up from the airport so I took a cab. I don’t remember my cab drivers name, but he was Muslim man who taught me something that day. I started talking to him. It just happened that it was Eid at the time so I asked him whether he had ever visited the holy Muslim pilgrimage of Mecca. He told me that he was supposed to go Mecca last month (July) but his sister’s husband had passed away one week before their daughter’s wedding. He also found out that his sister’s husband had left her with a lot of debts and they had no money for the marriage. The driver told me that he gave all the money that he had saved up to make the pilgrimage to Mecca to his sister so that the marriage could go on as scheduled. He told me that helping his sister with her daughter’s marriage was bigger religious deed then going to Mecca; and he said that one day he would surely go Mecca once he had saved up enough money. I was really touched by his story that helping needy is bigger duty then going for pilgrimage

Even middle or lower middle class people can play a role in helping improve someone’s life. I was born a Hindu and was always taught by my elders that helping the needy and doing good Karma brings great changes in one’s life. Yes, I try my best to do whatever I can. Many wealthy people around the world keep building palaces for themselves; and keep buying luxurious articles. It is important that we fulfil our wishes once we achieve success, but if we want to really enjoy life, then we should start sharing and our self-centred attitude will go away.

Yes, we all have to learn a lot from Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg and many people who continue to serve those in need without coming into the spotlight. I am merely trying to encourage those who have the means to bring a positive change to someone’s life, to do so. It could be as simple as providing clean drinking water, basic medicine, education, or food; things we take for granted, but are so important to so many around the world.

On this great occasion of Christmas let’s make it our new year’s resolution to start sharing whatever we feel comfortable sharing with society or those who are in need in our communities, because this will bring humbleness, humility and love into your lives. I have seen people who have done very well for themselves remain very humble share with those in need; and I have also seen people who do charity just to show off or to attract other people’s attention. We should stay away from the second kind of people and that kind of attitude.

Last week the word “Karma” dominated on social media because Martin Shkreli, the guy who raised the price of a vital drug for AID’s patients by 5000% was arrested for his past shady deeds. I saw him on CNBC the day he raised the price of the drug and I was stunned. I told my son that this guy should be punished because he looked like a greedy hyena and, my son Ronak said that he would be punished soon because he is doing bad karma by knowing that this vital drug is life saving for many and patients has to buy his drug. 

Let me come back to the market. Traders have to discarded last week’s volatility as any sort of indication as to how the market will move in the future coming time. On Monday the market made a low of 1982, bounced back to 2078 level by Wednesday, and then came back to 1992 on Friday. This volatility took place due to the FED announcement and the December expiry in futures and call options. I don’t want to speak more on the markets trend in this first section of the letter because we are very bullish about the medium and longer term trend of the market. We still predict that the most amazing bullish cycle will take place in the market in the coming time so ignore the last two weeks’ trend and avoid any aggressive trades during the next ten trading days. We strongly recommend enjoying your time with your family and friends this Christmas and during the rest of the holiday season. You have your whole life ahead to make trades or invest in the market, but spending quality and fun time with those who are close to you even once will always remain in our memory, and these will be the moments that will always remain close to your heart. So please, take out the next ten days of your life, and give these ten days to those who you love and care for the most.

This week is a short week for the market and so is next week so stay away and enjoy your time. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday’s. 

You will be rewarded with free letter for three months: 

Beware of fraud individuals who are copying our work and re-selling it through their websites. I work very hard for 12 hours a day to research the astro cycles, while a few individuals in India are not only violating our Intellectual Property rights, and Intellectual Property Laws, but they are also falsely presenting our information and claiming that they are predicting the markets trend. If you find or learn about any of these people, please inform us as soon as possible.

The issue has gotten so out of hand that we have decided that extreme steps are necessary. Therefore, if anyone finds and informs us about these people, we will reward that person with 5 months’ subscriptions of their choice for free. For those who have been copying our work, nature has its own way of righting any wrongs, and it is sad to say that we will be taking severe legal action against some individuals who we already know about within a few weeks.  


Here is this week newsletter from 21-25 December:


Last week gold and silver traded very volatile, base metals bounced back from late Thursday and on Friday most of the metals remained in a positive direction. Before gold and silver adopt another downwards trend we see some sideways trend taking place around current levels so we recommend trading in and out without holding on to any positions.

On Monday the Moon may support metals trend and may gain value so on the lower side one can take some buying positions on an intra-day basis.

On Tuesday positivity will continue but we recommend booking profit around the higher sides. On Wednesday we see both side move’s and on Thursday prices will hold value. This week we are not recommending any shorts in precious or base metals, but next week looks terrible for metals so one can take some selling positions on Thursday and carry those trades through to next week. Next week metals can retest lows or can move towards new lows but avoid any selling from Monday to Wednesday during this week. On Friday the markets will remain closed.

Base metals will trade positively this week so stay long.

Metal stocks will follow metals trend from Monday to Wednesday. On Thursday book some profit in metals stocks if you are buying for the short period and you can short metals on Thursday.

It is important that………

Here is Mondays range: (March 2016 contract):

GOLD: $1075.70 to $1057.55

SILVER: $14.32 TO $13.87

COPPER: $212.00 TO $206.30

PALLADIUM: $566.00 TO $545.00

PLATINUM: $866.00 TO $844.00



Last week the FED and expiry dominated markets trend. There was a mind blowing amount of volatility and traders wanted to get out from buying positions once they saw that the market was not holding well. On Monday the market made a low of 1982 and bounced back to 2077 by Wednesday. On Thursday it opened higher but was unable to hold value and the free fall started which continued on Friday “Triple witching day”.

We are not giving any importance to last week’s move because these kinds of events don’t represent the true picture of the future coming time but surely the market has to trade around current levels. S&P has been struggling to cross 2088 a most powerful astro resistance level, and since the last fourteen months I have been writing that the bull trend in the market would only come once 2088 level taken out. Today once again we are predicting that the market will remain in an uncertain direction if S&P remains below 2088. Three weeks ago I finished writing the, “2016 Financial Predictions” book, and it shall be out in the first week of January 2016 once I come back from my holiday. I will be leaving this week with my family and the book is in editing process.

How low can the market fall from here, because many are telling me that the market has turned very bearish according to technical charts and we don’t want to argue with that because the markets sentiment has turned very bearish but our astro cycles are showing a very different picture.

Once again 1982 level with play a key supporting role for S&P and 2033 and 2064 on higher side resistance.

This week is short week for the market as on Thursday the market will close early and on Friday globally all the major markets will remain closed so only from Monday to Wednesday trading days are available. We have always noticed that during the holiday season the market moves aggressively due to light volume and many mischievous traders playing game’s in the thin electronic trading sessions.

On Monday the market will trade mixed but surely one can buy positions around the lower sides. Tuesday will be a positive day for the market as the market will rebound sharply from the lower levels and may close sharply higher. On Wednesday a both side trend is indicated and the market will close mixed and the same trading pattern will continue on Thursday.

This week’s best trade will be acquiring commodity stocks and emerging markets. Buy these markets on Tuesday as they can have a very strong rally from Wednesday onwards, and this rally can continue towards the end of the year.

Oil is in process of bottoming out, watch $35.35 level closely as we don’t see oil closing below $35.35 level. On the other hand, banking stocks are in the process of forming a big bottom around current levels. In 2016 baking stocks will rock.

Europe and Japan will trade negatively so we are not recommending buying these markets, one can sell these markets against buying of USA or emerging markets.

Here are Monday’s ranges: (March 2016 contracts)

HONG KONG (cash) – 21798 to 21501

NIKKEI 18988 TO 18698  

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 7798 to 7707 Buy

CAC – 4625 TO 4545 

DAX – 10611 TO 10455

DEX EURO STOXX – 3270 – 3173

FTSE – 6018 TO 5905

FTSE/JSE (Cash) – 44998 to 44039

S&P e-mini – 2015.75 TO 1972.25 March contract

NASDAQ 100 e-mini – 4555.00 TO 4442 March Contract

RUSSELL e-mini – 1123.00 TO 1103.00 Buy

DOW e-mini 17207 TO 16811 Buy



Last week Thirty Year Bond traded positively. Since last year this trade has been in our medium and longer term…

Monday’s trading range (March 2015 contract):

TREASURY BOND – 157-02 TO 155-29



Last week most of soft commodities traded mixed to a bit negative…..

Monday’s trading range: (March 2016 Contract)

COFFEE: $121.00 TO $117.30

COTTON: $64.35 TO $63.32

SUGAR: $15.33 TO $14.82



Last week on Thursday and Friday grains made a big U turn as predicted but…..

Monday’s trading range (March 2016 contracts):

CORN: $379.00 TO $369.00

WHEAT: $486.00 TO $473.00

SOY: $903.00 TO $882.00

SOY MEAL: $285.90 TO $277.55

SOY OIL: $30.95 TO $30.05



Last week oil prices traded negatively with RB Gas and Heating oil. Warm weather has spoiled the trend of natural gas. Last week we predicted that oil prices are close to bottoming out and so are other energy futures like RB Gas, heating oil and natural gas.

A few members have sent us email asking whether oil has bottomed out for the longer term or not, and our answer is very simple; in June 2014 we predicted that there would be a longer term bearish trend in oil and we are still holding that prediction. However, for the short and medium term many positive and negative trends will develop and we will guide you on that. Currently according to our astro cycle theory it is getting clear that oil is in the process of a short term bottom which we think already happened last week.

Last week we mentioned that oil won’t trade below $35.53 and we still believe that oil won’t close below $35.53 for three trading sessions, and those who buy around this level will make money. In fact, energy stocks are out from our list in 2014 and as per the astro combinations we do not think that we will add energy stocks in our buying list for the next three years. Surely on the short term basis whenever a positive astro cycle starts oil stocks will move higher five to ten percent higher but the overall trend will remain negative.

If oil start rising from this week as predicted, then expect it to move towards $39.88. On Monday we see the oil market stabilizing around the lower ranges mentioned below, but remain a short term trader without holding for the longer period of time.

On Tuesday we see a positive trend in energy continuing. We may see a positive to tight range in oil and gas on Monday and Tuesday. RB Gas and heating oil will follow oil. RB Gas looks positive. Last week it traded mixed to positive and the same kind of trend is indicating.

Energy stocks will trade mixed to positive….

Monday’s trading range (February 2016 contracts):

OIL: $36.71 to $35.03

NATURAL GAS: $1.96 to $1.81

HEATING OIL: $1.1550 TO 1.1150

RB GAS: $1.2905 TO $1.2305



Last week frontline currencies traded negatively against USD but rebounded strongly on Friday. Indian Rupee remained the best performing currency against most of the currencies and few emerging market currencies also lost big value.

Argentina allowed Peso in free floating, which forced peso to lose 29% value on the same day. Russian Rubble also tested new lows and Rand too touched an all-time low due the Finance Minister of South Africa resigning. Surely most of South American currencies have lost significant value in 2015 as predicted and some weakness is still pending, but this is the time to take some risky bets in emerging market currencies.

Among most of the currencies Rupee remained the best performing currency in 2015. Our favourites are Rupee and Mexican Peso.

On Monday Dollar will….

Monday’s trading range: (March future contract)

DOLLAR INDEX – 99.05 to 98.37

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 0.7201 to 0.7093

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.7207 to 0.7112

BRITISH POUND – 1.4986 to 1.4862

EURO – 1.0955 to 1.0845

JAPANESE YEN – 0.8355 to 0.8192

SWISS FRANC – 1.0177 to 1.0083

RUPPEE – 66.51 to 66.08 (Spot)

RAND – 15.21 to 14.95 (Spot)


You will be rewarded with free letter for three months:

Beware of fraud individuals who are copying our work and re-selling it through their websites. I work very hard for 12 hours a day to research the astro cycles, while a few individuals in India are not only violating our Intellectual Property rights, and Intellectual Property Laws, but they are also falsely presenting our information and claiming that they are predicting the markets trend. If you find or learn information about any of these people who are copying and selling our work, please inform us asap.

The issue has gotten so out of hand that we have decided that extreme steps are necessary. Therefore, if anyone finds and informs us about these people who are copying and selling our work, in return we will reward 3 months’ newsletter for free that person. For those who have been copying our work, nature has its own way of righting any wrongs, and it is sad to say that we will be taking severe legal action within a few weeks against some individuals who we already know about.  

Thanks and God Bless,


Mahendra Sharma 20 December 2015, 3.00 PM Santa Barbara