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Today's Trade & News

Bull has open path to walk...S&P will hit 3200 by...

Dear Members, 

Since last two months we have been predicting S&P testing 3200 in 2019 which looks like will fulfill soon before Jupiter moves out from Scorpio. Mars in Cancer is playing very bullish role for markets which is great sign though still some volatility will continue at geo-political front. Jupiter is in Scorpio until 5 November 2019, which means that S&P have very bright chances of testing 3200 target by then. In 2009 we predicted this target when S&P was trading around 6778 level in the last week of February. 

Nasdaq can move aggressively higher and our recommended stocks can take huge lead role. This year so far our buying recommendations in market have really done well. For S&P 2315 was our lower side target of last year and market rebounded very accurately from that level, also same time expected market to bottom out in the last week of December, which happened. 

Gold buying recommendations at $1281 level worked very well. Dollar have been struggling. Our weekly newsletter and daily flashnews is out so read carefully. 

Coffee moved nicely higher during last week, next target is $117.75. 

Thanks & GOD BLESS