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Buy these earning stocks or call options for the next two days, small part of stock investment report of Wednesday...

Dear Members,

Here is a small part of Wednesday’s stock investment report of Wednesday and Thursday’s earning outcome so take long positions in the following stocks. Our stocks market report always focuses in detail during the earning sessions:

Last week our buying recommendations of JPM did very well, today we bought ISRG, and the following stocks will announce earnings in the next 48 hours. One can take call options or long in stocks for short-term returns. Must follow our daily stock market report closely.

A small part from Wednesday’s stocks investment report:

Earning trades: This week we are recommending buying ASML which will be going to announce earnings tomorrow, the stock should perform very well, also we are recommending buying TSM, KLAC, and LRCX. All these are semiconductor stocks. These stocks will push SOXL sharply higher as we see strong earnings growth and a positive outlook from these stocks will bring strong moves not only to these stocks but to whole sectors.

IBM will be also announcing earnings on Wednesday after the market, we see a surprise from IBM to build long positions in IBM. A few months back we mentioned IBM coming on our buying list first time in 23 years so time to build long positions in IBM.

TSLA will be also announcing earning but are expecting October 2023 onward stock to perform well and go toward news high, so must only buy on weakness. We don’t see TSLA going below $147 from 2023 to 2028, so the lower side is limited.  

Close long in energy and oil stocks, pharma stocks and banks will trade mix. Semiconductor, Home builder, and construction stocks will perform well.

Still, China, India, and Brazil will start acting positively from Wednesday so great time to take long positions.  Buy etf of these countries.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma