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Today's Trade & News

Buying recommendations in S&P at 3497 and selling in USD 113.86 predictions did well, now your actions from here….

Dear Members,

Markets have been performing well as predicted and regardless of the bearish view of big Wall-street bankers, we are still predicting an amazing bull market. Surely some profit booking may come but S&P is ready to test the 4178 level in the coming few weeks. We also believe that S&P may not go below the 3903 level so keep this prediction in mind.

TSLA was our pick at the $165 level as mentioned in our weekly and daily flash news, semiconductors stocks are performing well, and our favorite AEHR and ON performed very well along with other stocks.

Friday is Scorpio moon but it will favor technology stocks, so buying will continue in semiconductor stocks and tech stocks. Higher side some profit booking will come.

As predicted, the dollar has collapsed from the 113.86 level, now approaching the Astro support level of 105.28 level and 104.73 level. These are buying levels for USD so keep taking small long in USD or close long in currencies if you have been on our recommendations for the last three weeks.

Oil and Gas have been trading as predicted, natural gas is ready to achieve top, and oil to trade mix. Read our next week’s weekly newsletter.

Thirty Year bonds have been gaining value, Thirty Year bonds gained from 118-00 To 127-00, I am sure you must have done very well with our buying call.  

Metals have been trading as predicted, both side trend is expected today. A great trading opportunity is coming next week.

Great time to bet on coffee and cotton. Stay away from cocoa and sugar. Grains will trade mix.

Active trade and longer-term traders must subscribe to the weekly newsletter and daily letter if they can afford it. Last two months’ top three predictions:

Buying S&P at 3497 with targets of 4078 and 4161, we also recommended buying long of call options in ETFs and indexes and this call provided multifold returns.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma