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Today's Trade & News

Buying time in metals and dollar?

Dear Friends,

Here is last week Thursday's update, why

Dear Members,

Wednesday (Yesterday) was favorable day for metals, and today also is favorable day for metals but so far gold and silver have performed very negative. This gives us clear signal that metals will not able to take advantage in positive cycle. Negative will control metals and it is bad news for metal investors.  I am putting metals weekly predictions from this week newsletter.

 Here is this week newsletter from 9-13 May



This week precious metals will remain positive so those who bought gold and silver on late Thursday or Friday should hold buying position.

Monday and Tuesday gold and silver will trade both-side

Wednesday and Thursday both these metals will move up sharply

Friday gold and silver will come down

Note – You should focus on daily trend mentioned in newsletter rather than focusing on prices target because planets just guide us how they will trend on daily basis. Yes, as per planets strength and weakness points we try to predict range.

Compare to silver gold will trade positive like last week.

Precious metals stocks have given huge losses investors in the last week, planets gave enough warning sign and we kept recommending not buying metal stocks. We still recommend avoid metal stocks, they may move up for few days on Wednesday and Thursday with metal trend but overall trend will remain weak.

Range of gold will be $1478 to $1516, silver $34.10 to $38.80.



Time has come to accumulate base metals especially copper, we strongly recommending buying copper from Wednesday. Avoid platinum, aluminum and palladium.

Buy copper on late Tuesday and early Wednesday and book profit on Friday morning. Range will be $382 to $411.

Most important note: Precious metals and base metals should trade positive on Wednesday and Thursday, if they don’t than this can be worrying sign but still I am very much confident of Wednesday and Thursdays positive indications and this will give clear signal of rising trend in the month of May and mid June for metals.


Comparative silver gold is trading positive and in coming days it will outperform silver.

Weekly trading range has been fulfilled in silver but gold is still well above predicted range. Once can take small buying position here at $33.55 and $1490.10 or once USA market open (better buy once USA get open).


Oil has been trading as predicted in weekly newsletter, here what we said (Many of our members appreciated our recommendation of selling oil in hot rising commodity market. This week Monday and Tuesday oil may move up or it will recover from low, take this rising trend as selling opportunity.

Wednesday onward oil will start moving down, so it is very clear that oil will have opposite trend compare to metals during this week.

Trading range will be $103.80 to $96.10).


Hold short position in oil, as weaker trend is on the way and prices may fall sharply. Natural gas is very close to our buying target price so one can take buying opportunity in GAS later from day.

Grains and all soft commodities are trading weak as predicted, time has come to cover shorts in cotton and one can buy cotton around $144.10 for shorter period. Also watch rough rice closely prices will move up so buy around $13.95.

All major stock Indexes has been trading negative or sideways as predicted, wait for few weeks before you go long.

Dollar performed very well, yes rising trend has started and planets are telling us that it will remain in longer term bull cycle so keep adding USD index on any weakness. Sell Franc, Australian, and Canadian dollar. Euro longer term story has ended with Osama, keep buying dollar against Euro and Franc, any short term rise against dollar should be taken selling opportunity in all currencies.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

12 May 2011