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Cannabis stocks bull stocks like...

Cannabis bull market will be historic one, may be bigger than bitcoin and tech bubble….

Dear Members,

Since early this year we have been recommending buying Cannabis/Marijuana stocks. We have been predicting that craziest bull market which could push Cannabis stocks not only in multi-folds but these stocks can create one on biggest short term bull market. If I am not rung then Bitcoin bull market will look very small against Cannabis stocks. Many of my close friends made fortune in tech bubble from 1996-1999, and we are expecting same kind of movement so don’t miss to subscribe our Cannabis letter which is part of lithium/cobalt/e-car letter.

Cannabis stocks like CGC, CRON, CVSI, IIPR, CARA, ACBFF and many other stock moved in multi fold. Read our letter to get detail strategy, and which stocks to buy. This sector is hot so I will try to update you on weekly basis as well.  

Small part of our letter we posted here on our website:

You can subscribe cannabis/lithium/cobalt letter:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma