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Cannabis stocks will make many new millionaires and billionaires...

Dear Members,

Since last one year I have been contently recommending buying Marijuana stock because I see this sector moving in 100 folds in the next few years. Those who took my advice serious have already started doing very well and those who remained missed the opportunity and still missing opportunity.

Small money will make you fortune so must astro cycle study seriously as bull market will be so big which is beyond your imaginations so start investing money in this sector. Jupiter and Cannabis stocks: As per my theory, Jupiter doesn’t represent Cannabis stocks, so I won’t give that much importance to Jupiter transit. Venus is key planet which could bring rise and fall. Key event will take place in early March 2019 when North Node will come in the perfect house to give one of the biggest bull markets in Cannabis stocks. I see USA Federal government approving in Tax bracket, and also congress will pass bill for all state which will be very bullish news. Cannabis will play in beverage industry, food industry once it legalise in all state as well as if Federal government clear’s it. 

Don’t go all in at this stage, hold some cash on side-line as I won’t you to go aggressive with Cannabis stocks from the March 2019.

Here are few stocks which shall keep rising without any news, these are my favorite stocks so buy some serious positions if you are not worried for the short term trend.

I still believe investors will make 10 to 100 money in the sector.

Read 12 Octo to 15 November Cannabis report:

Know more about cannabis and Lithium report:

Thanks & God bless

Mahendra Sharma