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Chaotic time...why 10 months ago we stated that Lunar Eclipse of 7 August would bring 72 hours volatility..small part of this week newsletter...

Dear Members,

Many members sent emails stating “Mahendra, we see a light of hope for the crash”. I also felt the same way because in our book as well in the past five weekly Newsletters, we clearly mentioned that a chaotic time for the financial market will begin from the August 2017. It is very important that you re-read the sections of our book from July to October 2017. Yes, I increased the book’s price from $395 to $795, but we will reverse this price soon with our yearly special discount offer, which will start any time this week. Every year, we give away a big discount offer in the end of August, and this year I may start it soon one week before because too many are requesting for it due to the current market conditions. This year’s offer will be a very special one, so get ready to extend your services once we announce our special offer. Let me come back to the market, metals, energy, and currencies.

Since July, I have been doing an intense study about history, market behavior, and the wave of nature cycle’s impact. Most of you are aware about how much respect and love I have toward this subject, so whether I am right or wrong, my studies to understand the result of nature’s behavior on humans and on this planet, will continue. 

In our book “2017 Financial Predictions” I used the words “Dark Cloud” during the current cycle and also predicted that on the 7th of August, a Lunar eclipse will bring 72 volatilities in most of the markets. We mentioned that on the 21st of August, a Solar eclipse could be the worst for markets as well as world peace.

This section below is taken from our book “2017 Financial Predictions” page 26 and 27:


“There will be four eclipses during 2017. First eclipse will be a Lunar Eclipse on 10th February 2017. It won’t impact negatively on the market, so I am not giving any importance to this eclipse. I hold the same prediction for the first Solar Eclipse which will take place on 26th February 2017.

There will be a Lunar Eclipse on the 7th of August. This eclipse will have a major impact on the market. We may see huge volatility during the 72 hours of this eclipse.

On 21st of August there will be a Solar Eclipse, and I am really concerned about this eclipse. There will be a major natural catastrophe on our Planet. Also, the Geopolitical situation will be too tense, and the financial market will become too volatile to handle. I highly recommend avoiding any kind of positions during this Solar Eclipse, and I pray that this 96 hours passes smoothly.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Planetary Movements were very accurately calculated thousands of years back by Vedic Astrologers. I am really amazed seeing all these old documents, where without any scientific instruments they could calculate when the next eclipse would be, years in advance. They were masters and they made this subject so unique that if one really puts focus then they could see into the future well in advance.

I highly recommend people to meditate during the Eclipse time periods as many Vedic Astrologers and Yogis believe that one can achieve the highest level of awareness in meditation, and the wishes they have can be fulfilled.”

It is not easy at all to predict the future because it is hidden and errors always happen when you walk through a dark tunnel, if you have walked the same tunnel a few then your memory can recall and guide you through darkness. I keep thousands of combinations in mind before I make predictions in my books and in weekly letters but still errors happen because we are not 100% perfect.

Let me be honest, now sometimes I feel that if my predictions of the fall of the market come true, then I shall stop predicting everything and just enjoy a normal life like you. BUT then I think about nature and I realized it has appointed me to do my part of Karma through my work, so I shouldn’t be running away from it.

Anyway, this is my battle and I don’t like to involve you, so let’s talk about market. Last week, the markets traded volatile and gave away some gains. Most of the indexes failed to move towards new highs as predicted, and now they are about to enter the most volatile time because astro combinations are taking a sharp “U” turn from bullish to bearish.

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Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma, 12.51 PM Santa Barbara