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China’s impending collapse and Xi Jinping will be blamed? Elon Musk, Satya Nadella, Mark Zuckerberg, and Narendra Modi are in a powerful Astro cycle…

Dear Members,

I am just releasing a small part of one of the interesting chapters from the upcoming 18th book “2024 Financial Predictions”.

In 2019, we predicted that the Chinese and Hong Kong markets would have the worst period that would result in a dangerous time for the Chinese economy. This negative cycle started at the end of 2019, and China's Astro cycle will remain in the worst position until March 2025. We see financial systematic risks coming, so traders should remain aware. Chinese and Hong markets can rebound in small patches. We have a detailed outlook in the “2024 Financial Predictions” book which shall be out in the first week of January.  

I don’t recommend any buying in Chinese and Hong Kong stocks at this stage. The 17th of January 2024 will be the most crucial day for the markets, so watch this date closely.

Also, we have been recommending Xi Jinping leave his position and hand it over to someone else under him. China can go through a major meltdown as Xi’s Astro chart is very negative, which could lead to an economic disaster for China.

I always say that a young baby’s future is in the hands of parents, and in the same way, any country's future is in the hands of leaders. If parents don’t take care of their children, then they can suffer in many ways, and if leaders don’t take care of their countries, then the whole country’s people can suffer from every angle.

Overall, the Astro chart of China looks scary until 2027; half of the negative impact can go away if Xi resigns.

I mentioned the same for Zimbabwe in 2003. I wish Robert Mugabe had listened to us as I was sitting with a very close friend of his and requested his resignation so that the country’s cycle would change.

It applies even to corporate leaders. I had the same view on Steve Ballmer of Microsoft; the company remained directionless, and investors hardly made money while he was there from 2000 to 2014. The day Satya Nadella took over, I predicted that “The Sun will rise on Microsoft” because Satya Nadella’s Astro chart was amazing, and I liked it a lot. In my letter in 2014, I said Satya would change Microsoft's future and investors will make a fortune.

Look at the example of Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg changed the name of the company from Facebook to META, and I said all negativity is gone now and META will do well.

 I also recommended Elon Musk through my letter (I don’t know him personally) not to buy Twitter, but he did. Since then, he has faced challenges for that company, and if Musk’s downfall happens, then X “Formally Twitter” will be responsible. Most of you are aware of my 2018 prediction for Elon when I saw him becoming the richest man on the planet. I recommended everyone to buy TSLA at the time.

You can go through the last 33 years' predictions, news articles, and media news on our website. Read about the Satya Nadella prediction on our website.

Final note: If Xi doesn’t allow his people to make key decisions, then we may see huge economic problems for China and I am worried about it. Stay away from investing in China; I mentioned the same in the book. I only recommended buying PDD and BIDU in the Chinese market. Xi could create a mess in Asia and could bring instability by creating a tense environment in 2024.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s positive Astro chart started on  17 January 2011, The best time cycle started for him on 18 August 2017, this cycle may make him achieve a great successful political career on the Planet as a leader, and under him, India will rise at all front. Unfortunately, this amazing cycle will only continue for another five years (until 2028).

For every corporation and individual born with an Astro chart, one person successful in a certain time can’t guarantee that in the future he or she will be successful in the same way because the Astro time cycle constantly changes. There are good time cycles and bad ones for each person and organization; thus, it’s fluid and not everyone sees constant success. I closely follow the charts of key people on this planet. For the last few years, I have been following NVDA’s chief Jensen Huang closely because day by day tech world will follow him and he may become the most important man in the world. We have been recommending buying NVDA nonstop and staying long as it will become the most valuable company on the planet.

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Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma