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Coming bear time cycle is small part from most important weekly Newsletter of 6-10 March 2017...

Dear Members,

Precious and Base metals are trading lower as predicted. Oil prices tested our predicted lower side important target of $48.88, and the markets are failing to move higher as predicted. I am publishing a small part from this week’s newsletter. We have been predicting world events for the last 35 years, and have been writing about the market for the last 26 years, and for the first time in all those years our theory showing worst sign and it looks like we are entering the most crucial time in the Financial Markets’ history.

From 1982 investors, haven’t experienced a longer-term bear market cycle so current generations don’t know how to behave because so far any major weakness provided buying opportunity and market always bounced but now astro time cycle pattern is changing. We may enter a decade long, or even longer bear market which the last two generations haven’t seen. I don’t know how fund and money managers will handle themselves during this oncoming cycle.  

We never try to scare anyone and always try to put out our honest views. We have predicted both bull and bear cycles in every market  in last 25 years because we don’t love or hate, and that’s the reason we predicted a bullish prediction for gold from 2001-2011, and bearish prediction for gold from 2011 onwards. We have predicted the same way for currencies, stock markets, energy, grains, softs, and bonds in the last 25 years.

Carl Icahn, Warren Buffet, or loud speakers like Taper, haven’t experienced a longer-term bear market so I would like to see how smart minds perform in the next ten years.

Here is a small of this week’s newsletter from 6- 10 March 2017. I strongly recommend fund manager to add astro cycle indications in their strategy otherwise they will remain clueless about future coming time. Like in 2000 and 2007, astro cycle warned for major fall in markets and we recommended cash in 100%, in fact recommended going aggressive short in market in 2000 and 2007.

Final request… Every day I receive requests to put out some predictions for free members, please stop asking for that, I always publish small part of letter whenever I felt that we are at important time juncture of market. Unfortunately, I can’t put out complete letter here because my members get very upset about it as they pay big fee for subscriptions. If you can’t afford to subscribe our weekly newsletter or Daily Flashnews then I am sure our book “2017 Financial Predictions” will help you in making all important investment and trading decisions in 2017. Book had detail monthly cycles for all metals, energy, Indexes, most of global stock market, most of currencies, grains and softs and bonds.

If you trade or invest in market, then “2017 Financial Predictions” book will be great gift which you can give to yourself.  If you can’t afford to buy book and please keep visiting our website and some free stuff, we put on our website may help you. Daily cost of “2017 Financial Predictions” is $1.10 which is less then price of coffee. I feel that this week will help you making money in 2017.  

I am hopeful that this first part of this newsletter may help you in making the right decision. Here is small part of this week newsletter pdf file from 6-10 March is here:

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma