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Commodity market for thex 100 years..

This part is taken from "2008-09 World & Financial Prophecies",


Commodity Market:

All commodities are a part of nature as they emanate from nature, starting from coffee to grains and from metals to oil. My job is to study the planetary movement relevant to each commodity and try to reveal their trends. There is a connection between everything in nature: whether a hurricane destroying orange crops or frost damaging coffee. If there is war, it has an impact on oil and metal prices. In short, the behavior of one has inevitable ripples among the others. I foresee a time in future when the balance of nature will be strained and economic activity will fail to match a growing population. There will be an alarming gap between supply and demand, and this will result in a global crisis.


There was a time when people did not care much about commodities, but time has changed this century. In my 2001 book as well as in numerous interviews, I have stated that the new century will be for the commodity market and that additional areas will be born to replace others. We have seen an example of this in recent developments in alternative energy, and this is just the beginning. In the next 48 years, the world’s energy and power system will be completely based on new technologies and alternative sources. It is quite true that we can engineer changes in energy, but can we invent alternatives to food or grains? My answer is no, at least not until the next one cycle of Saturn, which is 30 years. After 30 years, people may start living on food medicines and tablets that will generate enough calories and nutrients equivalent to a full meal. I foresee many new changes in the next 100 years when human life will be completely different. I do not want to dwell too much on this at this stage, therefore let’s talk about the trend for major commodities in 2008/09.