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Today's Trade & News

Complimentary complete letter - Tuesdays trading ranges & strategy for metals, indexes, energy, currencies, softs, grains and bond...

Dear Members,

Today I decided to put todays daily flashnews to every visitors. Also, we are excited to announce that our new look of website is coming very soon. There will be news and update sections for daily few trades like yesterday we recommended selling gold and silver on higher sides in news sections, so you will able to make short term trade from news sections.

Today we recommend trading in and out is currencies and market no buying is recommended on higher side in market because globally markets will come down. Buying only recommended around lower side.

If you can afford weekly Newsletter and Daily Flashnews then must have that.

Here is PDF FILE of today’s Flashnews (unedited copy) which was sent already morning in Asian market.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma