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Today's Trade & News

Covid-19 detail stock list in this weeks weekly newsletter...metals and market predicted strategy is working amazingly well...

Dear Members.

Metals (Gold, silver and platinum) and markets (European, emerging and USA) are performing amazingly well as predicted. One can stay long as fire work is still expected in metals and market as mentioned in this week newsletter, what our predicted support and astro resistance levels as mentioned in the weekly newsletter closely.  

We tried our best to cover all major Covid-19 stocks with astro-cycle combinations in this week’s weekly newsletter. Which companies will have the best combinations to get good news in what time frame, we have also tried our best to predict which will be the first company to come out with Vaccine with a higher side price target? I also provided a detailed astro cycle for the seven Covid-19 stocks which may help you to plan trading strategy in these stocks especially if you are buying call options. I highly recommend subscribing to a weekly newsletter, if you can’t afford one for one month then must buy a one-week letter.

Coffee is moving higher and the dollar is losing value as predicted. Watch our predicted level closely.

I am sure our recommended Covoid-19 stocks must have provided your great returns and must plan well as fortune could be made.

I wish you good luck, and sure nature will help you. I have been recommending Covid-19 stocks from January 2020, so far investors have made great amount money and may make fortune in Covid stocks so follow our recommendations closely. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma